General Dr. Albert
Adelong, New South Wales, Australia
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


From The Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Victoria), 13 September 1933:

General regret was expressed throughout the town yesterday when information was received that Dr Albert C. Curtis, medical superintendent at the Beechworth Mental Hospital, had died that morning at a private hospital in Melbourne. Dr Curtis left Beechworth three weeks ago on his annual leave, which expired yesterday. He was suffering from a throat infection and had not been in good health for some time.

Dr Curtis, who was 58 years of age, had 18 years’ service in the department and spent some years at Beechworth several years ago as assistant medical officer. He returned as superintendent in May last year.

In his younger days Dr Curtis was champion singles tennis player of Australia. He was also a first-class cricketer, bowler and golfer. He is survived by his wife.


Archive statistics 1896 - 1919

Tournament wins 1897 - New South Wales Championships (Amateur)
1896 - Queensland Championships (Amateur)

Tournaments Geelong Easter Tournament - 1919 South Australian Championships - 1907 Australian Open - 1905 New South Wales Championships - 1898 New South Wales Championships - 1897 New South Wales Championships - 1896 Queensland Championships - 1896 Metropolitan Grass Court Championships of Sydney - 1896

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