Victorian Championships 1925

General 1925-11-30 - 1925-12-05
Melbourne, Albert Cricket Ground, St. Kilda Road

Source Ayres 1926, The Argus: 30.11. / Page 7; 01.12. / Page 6; 02.12. /Page 19; 03.12. /Page 4+5; The Age : 04.12. /Page 9

Info Draw: 21


Winner Richard Emil Schlesinger

Charles Simmill Buckley
Horace Walter Norbourne Crebbin
E.S. Dixon
Dr. William R. (Jogger) James
Raymond Keith (Keith) Manthorpe
Ian Donald McInnes
Thomas E. Robinson
Richard Emil Schlesinger
Jack B. Turner
Edward Druce (Ted) Yencken

Leslie Edward (Les) Baker
Regner Olaf (Jack) Cummings
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett
Dr Herbert Francis Chaworth Hallowes
Peter Dovell Hooper
Stanley Gordon (Pao Hua) Lum
Gerald Leighton Patterson
George Norman (Norman) Roberts
Ernest Thomas Rowe
Rupert Carl Wertheim

Round 1

The remaining Players had a bye.

Gerald Patterson*
Jack B. Turner
6-1 6-1 6-1
Dr. William R. (Jogger) James*
Dr Herbert Francis Chaworth Hallowes
Rupert Wertheim*
Edward Druce (Ted) Yencken
6-3 6-4 6-3
Stanley Gordon (Pao Hua) Lum*
Horace Walter Norbourne Crebbin
4-6 3-6 7-5 7-5 6-2
E.S. Dixon*
Charles Simmill Buckley
Ernest Rowe*
Thomas E. Robinson
6-4 3-6 6-4 6-2

Round 2
Gerald Patterson*
Dr. William R. (Jogger) James
6-3 6-2 8-6
Rupert Wertheim*
Ian Donald McInnes
2-6 6-1 6-4 7-5
Leslie Edward (Les) Baker*
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
Peter Dovell Hooper
6-1 6-2 6-4
Stanley Gordon (Pao Hua) Lum*
Jack Cummings
7-5 6-1 6-4
Ernest Rowe*
E.S. Dixon
6-1 6-0 4-6 6-2
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson*
Raymond Keith (Keith) Manthorpe
5-7 6-3 6-1 6-3
Richard Schlesinger*
Norman Roberts
6-2 6-1 6-0

Rupert Wertheim*
Gerald Patterson
6-4 3-6 6-1 6-4
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
Leslie Edward (Les) Baker
6-0 6-1 4-1 ret.
Ernest Rowe*
Stanley Gordon (Pao Hua) Lum
6-4 6-3 6-3
Richard Schlesinger*
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson
8-6 6-1 6-4

Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
Rupert Wertheim
3-6 6-3 1-6 6-1 9-7
Richard Schlesinger*
Ernest Rowe
6-2 6-1 5-7 6-2

Richard Schlesinger*
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett
6-3 9-7 6-1

Round 1
Ernest Rowe*
Thomas E. Robinson
E.S. Dixon*
Charles Simmill Buckley
Stanley Gordon (Pao Hua) Lum*
Horace Walter Norbourne Crebbin
Rupert Wertheim*
Edward Druce (Ted) Yencken
Gerald Patterson*
Jack B. Turner
Dr. William R. (Jogger) James*
Dr Herbert Francis Chaworth Hallowes
Round 2
Richard Schlesinger*
Norman Roberts
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson*
Raymond Keith (Keith) Manthorpe
Ernest Rowe*
E.S. Dixon
Stanley Gordon (Pao Hua) Lum*
Jack Cummings
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
Peter Dovell Hooper
Leslie Edward (Les) Baker*
Rupert Wertheim*
Ian Donald McInnes
Gerald Patterson*
Dr. William R. (Jogger) James
Richard Schlesinger*
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson
Ernest Rowe*
Stanley Gordon (Pao Hua) Lum
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
Leslie Edward (Les) Baker
Rupert Wertheim*
Gerald Patterson
Richard Schlesinger*
Ernest Rowe
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
Rupert Wertheim
Richard Schlesinger*
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett