Queensland Championships 1925

General 1925-08-17 - 1925-08-22
Brisbane, Milton Courts, Frew Park

Source Ayres 1926, The Brisbane Courier and Daily Standard

Info Draw: 25


Winner Patrick (Pat) O'Hara Wood

P.J. Biggs
Dudley Glen Cameron
Francis James (Frank) Cory
Leonard Maxwell Cryle
Regner Olaf (Jack) Cummings
E.Shirley Decker

Kevin Hugh Courtney
Francis Robert (Frank) Drews
E.J. Ferguson
Reginald F. Hills
Charles Sinclair Hooper
Edward G. Jordan
Jack M. McGrath
G.E. McKenzie
Clive Burgess Mellor
Stanley Vincent Milligan
Edgar Forest (Gar) Moon
Frank R. North
Patrick (Pat) O'Hara Wood
Lionel Emmanuel Oxenham
Keith Lloyd Thredkeld Poulton
J.F. Smith
John Reid (Jack) Warner
Guy Rex Williams
Harold Nevil Wilson

Round 1
Stanley Vincent Milligan*
J.F. Smith
6-4 6-1 6-2
Dudley Glen Cameron*
E.J. Ferguson
6-2 6-0 6-1
Francis Robert (Frank) Drews*
Frank R. North
6-2 6-3 6-3
Guy Rex Williams*
P.J. Biggs
6-2 6-0 6-1
Charles Sinclair Hooper*
E.Shirley Decker
6-4 3-6 7-5 6-1
Jack M. McGrath*
John Reid (Jack) Warner
6-1 6-2 7-5
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Leonard Maxwell Cryle
6-0 6-0 6-3
Jack Cummings*
Clive Burgess Mellor
6-2 6-2 7-5
Edgar Moon*
Keith Lloyd Thredkeld Poulton
6-3 6-3 6-3
Kevin Hugh Courtney*
Edward G. Jordan
6-3 3-6 6-3 6-3
Harold Nevil Wilson*
Frank Cory*
G.E. McKenzie*
Reginald F. Hills*
Lionel Emmanuel Oxenham*

Round 2
Harold Nevil Wilson*
Frank Cory
6-3 6-1 6-1
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Francis Robert (Frank) Drews
6-4 7-5 4-6 6-2
Jack Cummings*
Stanley Vincent Milligan
6-2 2-6 6-4 6-3
Guy Rex Williams*
Charles Sinclair Hooper
6-1 6-2 6-3
Jack M. McGrath*
Dudley Glen Cameron
4-6 14-12 6-3 6-1
Lionel Emmanuel Oxenham*
Reginald F. Hills
Edgar Moon*
Kevin Hugh Courtney
7-5 6-0 6-2
G.E. McKenzie*

Pat O'Hara Wood*
Harold Nevil Wilson
6-1 6-2 6-4
Jack Cummings*
G.E. McKenzie
Jack M. McGrath*
Guy Rex Williams
6-1 5-7 4-6 6-3 6-2
Edgar Moon*
Lionel Emmanuel Oxenham
6-2 6-2 6-2

Pat O'Hara Wood*
Jack M. McGrath
6-2 6-1 6-0
Jack Cummings*
Edgar Moon
6-3 6-3 6-8 3-6 6-0

Pat O'Hara Wood*
Jack Cummings
6-3 2-6 5-7 6-3 6-2

Round 1
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Leonard Maxwell Cryle
Francis Robert (Frank) Drews*
Frank R. North
Harold Nevil Wilson*
Frank Cory*
Jack M. McGrath*
John Reid (Jack) Warner
Dudley Glen Cameron*
E.J. Ferguson
Guy Rex Williams*
P.J. Biggs
Charles Sinclair Hooper*
E.Shirley Decker
Jack Cummings*
Clive Burgess Mellor
Stanley Vincent Milligan*
J.F. Smith
G.E. McKenzie*
Edgar Moon*
Keith Lloyd Thredkeld Poulton
Kevin Hugh Courtney*
Edward G. Jordan
Lionel Emmanuel Oxenham*
Reginald F. Hills*
Round 2
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Francis Robert (Frank) Drews
Harold Nevil Wilson*
Frank Cory
Jack M. McGrath*
Dudley Glen Cameron
Guy Rex Williams*
Charles Sinclair Hooper
Jack Cummings*
Stanley Vincent Milligan
G.E. McKenzie*
Edgar Moon*
Kevin Hugh Courtney
Lionel Emmanuel Oxenham*
Reginald F. Hills
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Harold Nevil Wilson
Jack M. McGrath*
Guy Rex Williams
Jack Cummings*
G.E. McKenzie
Edgar Moon*
Lionel Emmanuel Oxenham
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Jack M. McGrath
Jack Cummings*
Edgar Moon
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Jack Cummings