New Zealand Championships 1937

General 1938-01-31 - 1938-02-08
Auckland, Stanley Street courts
New Zealand

Source American Lawn Tennis, The Auckland Star

Info Draw: 53


Winner Alistair (Alister) Dewar-Brown

M.R. Andrews
Charles (Charlie) Angas
Noel Fraser Newenham Bedford
Owen Murray Bold
J.D. Bull
W.E. Butler
Jack Curtis Charters
D. Clow
Dennis Cameron Coombe
Alistair (Alister) Dewar-Brown
Eric Claude Dickie
Arthur John Dickie
Keith William Dyer
Neil Vincent Edwards
Edward Charles S. Falconer
Roland McLean (Roly) Ferkins
Max Ferkins
Donald Gunn (Don) France
George Oswald Milton Gair
John W. (Jack) Gunn
S.S. Hooper
W.R. Hooper
Leonard George Knott
Mark Luder Lampe
Ron R. Lees
M.F. Lees
J.D. Lewis
Drummond Blair Livingstone
James North Lowry
R.M. Matuschka
Jack Trevor Mayson
J.D. Mitchell
B.M. O´Connor
E.H. Orbell
Robert George Pattinson
George Andrew Pearce
C.F. Penfold
A. Porter
W.T. Poultney
Sir Francis Henry Renouf
D. Richardson
Leo Patrick Roach
Joseph Roach
Eric Alwyn Roussell
Owen Satchell
Rupert James Drummond Sharpe
R.W. Smith
Alan Christie Stedman
J.L. Stevens
Norman George Sturt
P. Ward
Ronald Joseph Wentzel
M.T. Wilson

Round 1

The remaining Players had are bye.

George Andrew Pearce*
P. Ward
6-2 6-4 6-0
R.W. Smith*
J.L. Stevens
6-3 7-5 6-1
J.D. Lewis*
Rupert James Drummond Sharpe
4-6 6-2 6-2 3-6 6-1
Robert George Pattinson*
Mark Luder Lampe
6-1 6-2 6-2
M.R. Andrews*
James North Lowry
7-5 6-4 7-5
Neil Vincent Edwards*
J.D. Bull
7-5 6-4 7-5
Owen Bold*
D. Richardson
2-6 6-3 6-0 6-4
Charles (Charlie) Angas*
W.T. Poultney
Leonard George Knott*
D. Clow
6-3 6-4 3-6 7-5
Eric Alwyn Roussell*
E.H. Orbell
6-0 6-2 3-6 6-2
Roland McLean (Roly) Ferkins*
S.S. Hooper
6-1 7-5 6-2
Alistair (Alister) Dewar-Brown*
Sir Francis Henry Renouf
6-1 6-1 6-1
Ronald Joseph Wentzel*
Edward Charles S. Falconer
6-2 6-2 1-6 6-1
Drummond Blair Livingstone*
Ron R. Lees
6-4 3-6 6-3 6-2
Max Ferkins*
Leo Patrick Roach
4-6 6-1 3-6 6-2 6-2
John W. (Jack) Gunn*
R.M. Matuschka
Norman George Sturt*
Joseph Roach
7-5 6-2 6-2
Eric Claude Dickie*
J.D. Mitchell
6-0 6-4 6-8 6-8 6-4
Arthur John Dickie*
M.F. Lees
6-4 6-3 4-6 6-1
Jack Curtis Charters*
George Oswald Milton Gair
6-3 6-2 6-4
Owen Satchell*
B.M. O´Connor
3-6 6-2 7-5 6-1

Round 2
Alan Stedman*
W.R. Hooper
6-3 6-1 6-1
C.F. Penfold*
Keith William Dyer
9-7 3-6 6-2 6-3
Donald Gunn (Don) France*
George Andrew Pearce
4-6 6-0 6-1 6-1
R.W. Smith*
J.D. Lewis
6-2 5-7 6-4 6-1
Robert George Pattinson*
M.R. Andrews
6-2 6-1 6-2
Neil Vincent Edwards*
Owen Bold
2-6 6-1 10-8 6-1
Charles (Charlie) Angas*
Leonard George Knott
6-1 5-7 6-2 9-7
Eric Alwyn Roussell*
Roland McLean (Roly) Ferkins
7-5 6-0 8-6
Alistair (Alister) Dewar-Brown*
Ronald Joseph Wentzel
6-0 6-2 6-0
Drummond Blair Livingstone*
Max Ferkins
4-6 6-1 6-1 3-6 7-5
John W. (Jack) Gunn*
Norman George Sturt
6-0 7-5 3-6 6-3
Jack Curtis Charters*
Arthur John Dickie
8-6 8-6 7-5
Eric Claude Dickie*
Owen Satchell
6-0 6-3 6-1
Noel Fraser Newenham Bedford*
W.E. Butler
4-6 6-4 6-8 6-3 6-3
Jack Trevor Mayson*
A. Porter
6-1 9-7 6-2
Dennis Coombe*
M.T. Wilson
4-6 4-6 6-4 7-5 6-3

Round 3
Alan Stedman*
C.F. Penfold
6-0 6-1 6-0
Donald Gunn (Don) France*
R.W. Smith
6-3 7-9 6-4 4-6 6-3
Robert George Pattinson*
Neil Vincent Edwards
6-3 6-3 6-4
Charles (Charlie) Angas*
Eric Alwyn Roussell
3-6 6-3 6-3 7-5
Alistair (Alister) Dewar-Brown*
Drummond Blair Livingstone
6-3 6-3 6-0
John W. (Jack) Gunn*
Eric Claude Dickie
6-4 6-0 6-0
Noel Fraser Newenham Bedford*
Jack Curtis Charters
2-6 4-6 6-4 6-0 6-4
Jack Trevor Mayson*
Dennis Coombe
6-2 5-7 6-3 6-4

Alan Stedman*
Donald Gunn (Don) France
6-4 6-0 6-2
Robert George Pattinson*
Charles (Charlie) Angas
6-4 3-6 4-6 6-2 6-0
Alistair (Alister) Dewar-Brown*
John W. (Jack) Gunn
2-6 6-4 6-1 7-5
Jack Trevor Mayson*
Noel Fraser Newenham Bedford
6-1 7-5 8-6

Robert George Pattinson*
Alan Stedman
8-10 4-2 ret.
Alistair (Alister) Dewar-Brown*
Jack Trevor Mayson
6-3 6-4 6-4

Alistair (Alister) Dewar-Brown*
Robert George Pattinson
6-0 7-5 6-1

Round 1
Alistair (Alister) Dewar-Brown*
Sir Francis Henry Renouf
Ronald Joseph Wentzel*
Edward Charles S. Falconer
Drummond Blair Livingstone*
Ron R. Lees
Max Ferkins*
Leo Patrick Roach
John W. (Jack) Gunn*
R.M. Matuschka
Norman George Sturt*
Joseph Roach
Eric Claude Dickie*
J.D. Mitchell
Owen Satchell*
B.M. O´Connor
Jack Curtis Charters*
George Oswald Milton Gair
Arthur John Dickie*
M.F. Lees
Robert George Pattinson*
Mark Luder Lampe
M.R. Andrews*
James North Lowry
Neil Vincent Edwards*
J.D. Bull
Owen Bold*
D. Richardson
Charles (Charlie) Angas*
W.T. Poultney
Leonard George Knott*
D. Clow
Eric Alwyn Roussell*
E.H. Orbell
Roland McLean (Roly) Ferkins*
S.S. Hooper
George Andrew Pearce*
P. Ward
R.W. Smith*
J.L. Stevens
J.D. Lewis*
Rupert James Drummond Sharpe
Round 2
Alistair (Alister) Dewar-Brown*
Ronald Joseph Wentzel
Drummond Blair Livingstone*
Max Ferkins
John W. (Jack) Gunn*
Norman George Sturt
Eric Claude Dickie*
Owen Satchell
Jack Trevor Mayson*
A. Porter
Dennis Coombe*
M.T. Wilson
Noel Fraser Newenham Bedford*
W.E. Butler
Jack Curtis Charters*
Arthur John Dickie
Robert George Pattinson*
M.R. Andrews
Neil Vincent Edwards*
Owen Bold
Charles (Charlie) Angas*
Leonard George Knott
Eric Alwyn Roussell*
Roland McLean (Roly) Ferkins
Alan Stedman*
W.R. Hooper
C.F. Penfold*
Keith William Dyer
Donald Gunn (Don) France*
George Andrew Pearce
R.W. Smith*
J.D. Lewis
Round 3
Alistair (Alister) Dewar-Brown*
Drummond Blair Livingstone
John W. (Jack) Gunn*
Eric Claude Dickie
Jack Trevor Mayson*
Dennis Coombe
Noel Fraser Newenham Bedford*
Jack Curtis Charters
Robert George Pattinson*
Neil Vincent Edwards
Charles (Charlie) Angas*
Eric Alwyn Roussell
Alan Stedman*
C.F. Penfold
Donald Gunn (Don) France*
R.W. Smith
Alistair (Alister) Dewar-Brown*
John W. (Jack) Gunn
Jack Trevor Mayson*
Noel Fraser Newenham Bedford
Robert George Pattinson*
Charles (Charlie) Angas
Alan Stedman*
Donald Gunn (Don) France
Alistair (Alister) Dewar-Brown*
Jack Trevor Mayson
Robert George Pattinson*
Alan Stedman
Alistair (Alister) Dewar-Brown*
Robert George Pattinson