Metropolitan Cricket (MCC ) Autumn Tournament 1924

General 1924-02-29 - 1924-03-08
Melbourne, Albert Cricket Ground, St. Kilda Road

Source The Argus

Info Draw: 20


Winner Gerald Leighton Patterson

Dr. Keith B. Brown
Charles Simmill Buckley
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson
Donald M. Ferguson
Charles Joseph Finlayson
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett
Irvine Owen Gaze
Dr Herbert Francis Chaworth Hallowes
Ian Donald McInnes
Edwin Traugott Noske
Patrick (Pat) O'Hara Wood
Gerald Leighton Patterson
Leslie Newburn Rainey
Frederick William Ratten
George Norman (Norman) Roberts
Thomas E. Robinson
Norman William Strange
Cecil Stuart
Rupert Carl Wertheim
Edward Druce (Ted) Yencken

Round 1

The remaining players had a bye.

Gerald Patterson*
Frederick William Ratten
6-3 6-3 6-1
Leslie Newburn Rainey*
Norman William Strange
6-3 6-2 6-1
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson*
Norman Roberts
2-6 7-5 5-7 6-1 7-5
Edward Druce (Ted) Yencken*
Dr. Keith B. Brown
8-6 8-6 6-3

Round 2
Gerald Patterson*
Leslie Newburn Rainey
6-1 6-3 6-1
Rupert Wertheim*
Irvine Owen Gaze
4-6 6-1 6-1 6-0
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
Dr Herbert Francis Chaworth Hallowes
6-3 7-5 5-7 6-0
Ian Donald McInnes*
Charles Simmill Buckley
6-2 6-1 6-3
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson*
Edward Druce (Ted) Yencken
6-4 5-7 4-6 6-4 6-2
Donald M. Ferguson*
Thomas E. Robinson
6-8 7-5 6-4 6-3
Cecil Stuart*
Edwin Traugott Noske
7-5 1-6 3-6 6-3 6-4
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Charles Joseph Finlayson
6-1 6-3 9-7

Gerald Patterson*
Rupert Wertheim
6-2 6-3 2-6 6-2
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
Ian Donald McInnes
8-6 3-6 6-3 6-2
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson*
Donald M. Ferguson
6-4 6-4 7-5
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Cecil Stuart
6-1 6-2 6-0

Gerald Patterson*
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett
6-2 7-5 5-7 7-5
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson
6-3 6-1 12-10

Gerald Patterson*
Pat O'Hara Wood
6-4 2-6 6-4 6-2

Round 1
Gerald Patterson*
Frederick William Ratten
Leslie Newburn Rainey*
Norman William Strange
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson*
Norman Roberts
Edward Druce (Ted) Yencken*
Dr. Keith B. Brown
Round 2
Gerald Patterson*
Leslie Newburn Rainey
Rupert Wertheim*
Irvine Owen Gaze
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
Dr Herbert Francis Chaworth Hallowes
Ian Donald McInnes*
Charles Simmill Buckley
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Charles Joseph Finlayson
Cecil Stuart*
Edwin Traugott Noske
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson*
Edward Druce (Ted) Yencken
Donald M. Ferguson*
Thomas E. Robinson
Gerald Patterson*
Rupert Wertheim
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
Ian Donald McInnes
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Cecil Stuart
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson*
Donald M. Ferguson
Gerald Patterson*
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson
Gerald Patterson*
Pat O'Hara Wood