Western Australia Hardcourts 1954

General 1954-02-27 - 1954-03-21
Toodyay, Tennis Club Courts

Source The Toodyay Herald

Info Draw: 26

Report Report: The men´s singles were also completed yesterday, 1954-03-21. G.O. Strong won the
Singles in five sets over R.L. Hunt. (The Western Australia /1954-03-22/ Page 28).


Winner Geoffrey Oswald (Geoff) Strang

E. Barrett
F. Cass
John Casson
M. Clayton
Gordon Bentley Davis
Bruce S. Francis
L. Gouge
Ken R. Harris
J. Hehrling
Alan Robert Hicks
C. Hill
Ronald L. Hunt
Arthur Dix Marshall
D. Moloney
Roland S. Mortlock
Douglas (Doug) Napier
R. Nelson
N. Norman
Noel H. Pearse
D. Pugh
H. Rayner
Geoffrey Oswald (Geoff) Strang

A. Taylor
Kenneth J. Watson
Donald W. Watts
Vernon John (Vern) White

Round 1
Arthur Dix Marshall*
N. Norman*
M. Clayton
6-3 6-2
Geoff Strang*
C. Hill*
R. Nelson
Kenneth J. Watson*
F. Cass
Ken R. Harris*
Donald W. Watts
3-6 6-2 9-7
E. Barrett*
Douglas (Doug) Napier
Vern White*
Ronald L. Hunt*
J. Hehrling*
L. Gouge
A. Taylor*
D. Moloney
John Casson*
Bruce S. Francis*
D. Pugh*
H. Rayner
Alan Robert Hicks*
Noel H. Pearse
Gordon Bentley Davis*
Roland S. Mortlock

Round 2
N. Norman*
Arthur Dix Marshall
Geoff Strang*
C. Hill
Kenneth J. Watson*
Ken R. Harris
Vern White*
E. Barrett
Ronald L. Hunt*
J. Hehrling
John Casson*
A. Taylor
Bruce S. Francis*
D. Pugh
Alan Robert Hicks*
Gordon Bentley Davis

Geoff Strang*
N. Norman
6-1 6-2
Vern White*
Kenneth J. Watson
6-4 6-3
Ronald L. Hunt*
John Casson
Alan Robert Hicks*
Bruce S. Francis

Geoff Strang*
Vern White
5-7 6-4 6-2 6-1
Ronald L. Hunt*
Alan Robert Hicks
4-6 6-1 4-3 ret.

Geoff Strang*
Ronald L. Hunt
6-3 0-6 6-3 5-7 6-0

Round 1
Geoff Strang*
C. Hill*
R. Nelson
N. Norman*
M. Clayton
Arthur Dix Marshall*
Vern White*
E. Barrett*
Douglas (Doug) Napier
Kenneth J. Watson*
F. Cass
Ken R. Harris*
Donald W. Watts
Ronald L. Hunt*
J. Hehrling*
L. Gouge
John Casson*
A. Taylor*
D. Moloney
Alan Robert Hicks*
Noel H. Pearse
Gordon Bentley Davis*
Roland S. Mortlock
Bruce S. Francis*
D. Pugh*
H. Rayner
Round 2
Geoff Strang*
C. Hill
N. Norman*
Arthur Dix Marshall
Vern White*
E. Barrett
Kenneth J. Watson*
Ken R. Harris
Ronald L. Hunt*
J. Hehrling
John Casson*
A. Taylor
Alan Robert Hicks*
Gordon Bentley Davis
Bruce S. Francis*
D. Pugh
Geoff Strang*
N. Norman
Vern White*
Kenneth J. Watson
Ronald L. Hunt*
John Casson
Alan Robert Hicks*
Bruce S. Francis
Geoff Strang*
Vern White
Ronald L. Hunt*
Alan Robert Hicks
Geoff Strang*
Ronald L. Hunt