United States 5 Satellite - Masters 1979

General 1979-08-13 - 1979-08-19

Wall, New Jersey
United States of America

Source World of Tennis 1980


Winner Bruce Foxworth

Mark Brandenburg

Rohun Beven
Bob (William Blaze) Blazekovic
John E. Burrman
Larry Davidson
Cristofer (Chris) Delaney
Arjun Fernando
Paul Fineman
Bruce Foxworth
Marcel Freeman
Michael A. (Mike) Gandolfo
Drew Gitlin
Mark Hardy
Peter Hawking
David Imonitie
Stewart Keller
Ramesh Krishnan
Timothy Spence (Tim) Mayotte
Peter McDonald
Matthew (Matt) McDonald
Ogi Mitra
Armand Molino
Nduka Odizor
Bill Rennie
Jeff Robbins
Beejong Sisson
Rolando (Rocky) Vasquez
John T. Whitlinger
Craig J. Wittus

Round 1

Rennie d. Andrews - not know whether that is Mark, Rich or Andy.

Cristofer (Chris) Delaney*
Ramesh Krishnan
Nduka Odizor*
Bill Rennie*
Arjun Fernando*
Mark Hardy
Marcel Freeman*
Craig J. Wittus*
Matthew (Matt) McDonald
Jeff Robbins*
Rohun Beven
Armand Molino*
Drew Gitlin
Tim Mayotte*
Peter Hawking
Stewart Keller*
Peter McDonald
Bruce Foxworth*
Mike Gandolfo
Bob Blazekovic*
David Imonitie
Beejong Sisson*
Larry Davidson
Rocky Vasquez*
Paul Fineman
John E. Burrman*
Mark Brandenburg
Ogi Mitra*
John T. Whitlinger


Marcel Freeman*
Arjun Fernando
6-4 6-3
Bruce Foxworth*
Ogi Mitra
6-4 6-1

Bruce Foxworth*
Marcel Freeman
7-6 6-7 6-3

Round 1
Cristofer (Chris) Delaney*
Ramesh Krishnan
Ogi Mitra*
John T. Whitlinger
Marcel Freeman*
Arjun Fernando*
Mark Hardy
Bruce Foxworth*
Ogi Mitra
Marcel Freeman*
Arjun Fernando
Bruce Foxworth*
Marcel Freeman