Cleveland Grand Prix 1979

General 1979-08-13 - 1979-08-19
Cleveland, Ohio
United States of America

Source ATP

Info Prize Money $50,000
Delaney, Jones, Brash and Gunning were qualifiers.


Winner Stanley Roger (Stan) Smith

Jorge Andrew
Nial Brash
Peter Campbell
Dale H. Collings
James Edmund (Jim) Delaney
Steve Branch Denton
Robin Wordsworth Drysdale
Eric Friedler
Timothy L. (Tim) Garcia
Francisco Gonzalez
Thomas Warner (Tom) Gorman
Chris Gunning
Warrick (Rick) Jones
Deon Joubert
Chris P. Kachel
Ramesh Krishnan
Tom Leonard
Cliff L. Letcher
Robert Charles (Bob) Lutz
Gene Stuart Malin
Alexander (Sandy) Mayer
Frederick (Fred) McNair IV
Ilie Nastase
Adriano Panatta
Onny Parun
Noel R. Phillips
Willem Petrus Odendaal Prinsloo
Stanley Roger (Stan) Smith
Cary Richard Stansbury
Larry Stefanki
Ricardo E. Ycaza Paulson
John McLaren Yuill

Round 1
Adriano Panatta*
Dale H. Collings
6-4 6-2
Gene Malin*
Willem Prinsloo
6-3 2-6 6-2
Tom Leonard*
Frederick (Fred) McNair IV
6-4 6-3
Ramesh Krishnan*
Jorge Andrew
6-4 4-6 6-0
Ilie Nastase*
Cary Stansbury
6-3 6-2
Larry Stefanki*
Steve Denton
6-1 6-2
Robin Drysdale*
Deon Joubert
7-6 6-3
John Yuill*
Tom Gorman
6-4 6-4
Alexander (Sandy) Mayer*
Eric Friedler
4-6 7-5 6-4
Chris P. Kachel*
Jim Delaney
6-0 6-2
Warrick (Rick) Jones*
Timothy L. (Tim) Garcia
6-3 7-5
Bob Lutz*
Cliff L. Letcher
6-2 7-5
Francisco Gonzalez*
Noel R. Phillips
6-0 6-3
Nial Brash*
Onny Parun
6-4 1-6 7-6
Chris Gunning*
Peter Campbell
6-4 7-6
Stan Smith*
Ricardo Ycaza
7-5 6-2

Round 2
Gene Malin*
Adriano Panatta
6-2 4-6 7-6
Ramesh Krishnan*
Tom Leonard
6-4 6-2
Ilie Nastase*
Larry Stefanki
6-2 6-4
John Yuill*
Robin Drysdale
7-5 6-4
Chris P. Kachel*
Alexander (Sandy) Mayer
4-6 7-5 7-5
Bob Lutz*
Warrick (Rick) Jones
7-6 7-6
Francisco Gonzalez*
Nial Brash
6-2 6-1
Stan Smith*
Chris Gunning
7-6 6-2

Gene Malin*
Ramesh Krishnan
3-6 6-4 6-0
Ilie Nastase*
John Yuill
7-5 6-4
Bob Lutz*
Chris P. Kachel
7-5 6-3
Stan Smith*
Francisco Gonzalez
7-5 6-3

Ilie Nastase*
Gene Malin
7-6 6-7 6-3
Stan Smith*
Bob Lutz
6-4 6-4

Stan Smith*
Ilie Nastase
7-6 7-5

Round 1
Stan Smith*
Ricardo Ycaza
Chris Gunning*
Peter Campbell
Francisco Gonzalez*
Noel R. Phillips
Nial Brash*
Onny Parun
Bob Lutz*
Cliff L. Letcher
Warrick (Rick) Jones*
Timothy L. (Tim) Garcia
Chris P. Kachel*
Jim Delaney
Alexander (Sandy) Mayer*
Eric Friedler
Ilie Nastase*
Cary Stansbury
Larry Stefanki*
Steve Denton
John Yuill*
Tom Gorman
Robin Drysdale*
Deon Joubert
Gene Malin*
Willem Prinsloo
Adriano Panatta*
Dale H. Collings
Ramesh Krishnan*
Jorge Andrew
Tom Leonard*
Frederick (Fred) McNair IV
Round 2
Stan Smith*
Chris Gunning
Francisco Gonzalez*
Nial Brash
Bob Lutz*
Warrick (Rick) Jones
Chris P. Kachel*
Alexander (Sandy) Mayer
Ilie Nastase*
Larry Stefanki
John Yuill*
Robin Drysdale
Gene Malin*
Adriano Panatta
Ramesh Krishnan*
Tom Leonard
Stan Smith*
Francisco Gonzalez
Bob Lutz*
Chris P. Kachel
Ilie Nastase*
John Yuill
Gene Malin*
Ramesh Krishnan
Stan Smith*
Bob Lutz
Ilie Nastase*
Gene Malin
Stan Smith*
Ilie Nastase