Birmingham International Indoor 1980

General 1980-01-14 - 1980-01-20
WCT Circuit
Brimingham, Alabama
United States of America

Source ATP

Info Prize Money $175,000
Bailey and Dowlen were qualifiers. Garcia and Diaz were lucky losers.


Winner James Scott (Jimmy) Connors

Anand Amritraj
Vijay Amritraj
Joel M. Bailey
Mike Cahill
Jose Luis Clerc
James Scott (Jimmy) Connors
Manuel (Manolo) Diaz
Eddie Dibbs
David Dowlen
Patrick (Pat) Dupre
Rick Fagel
Wojtek Fibak
Peter Blair Fleming
Timothy L. (Tim) Garcia
Vitas Kevin Gerulaitis
Heinz Peter Gunthardt
Johan C. Kriek
Billy Martin
Terry Moor
Christopher J. (Buster) Mottram
Ilie Nastase
Yannick Noah
Tom Samuel (Tom) Okker
Charles W. (Charlie) Owens
Andrew J. Pattison
Raul Carlos Ramirez
William (Bill) Scanlon
Stanley Roger (Stan) Smith
Balazs Taroczy
Eliot Teltscher
Vincent Van Patten
Kenneth B. (Butch) Walts

Round 1
Jimmy Connors*
Yannick Noah
7-6 6-4
Balazs Taroczy*
Charlie Owens
7-6 7-5
Andrew J. Pattison*
Mike Cahill
6-0 7-5
Eddie Dibbs*
Billy Martin
6-2 6-4
Ilie Nastase*
Timothy L. (Tim) Garcia
6-1 6-4
Johan C. Kriek*
Joel M. Bailey
6-2 6-0
Kenneth B. (Butch) Walts*
Tom Okker
6-4 6-4
Wojtek Fibak*
Heinz Gunthardt
2-6 7-5 6-3
Stan Smith*
Jose Luis Clerc
2-6 6-3 6-4
Christopher J. (Buster) Mottram*
Vincent Van Patten
7-5 7-5
Eliot Teltscher*
David Dowlen
6-1 6-3
Raul Ramirez*
Manuel (Manolo) Diaz
6-3 7-5
Peter Fleming*
Rick Fagel
7-6 6-1
Vijay Amritraj*
Patrick (Pat) Dupre
6-3 6-4
Bill Scanlon*
Terry Moor
6-4 7-6
Vitas Gerulaitis*
Anand Amritraj
6-3 6-3

Round 2
Jimmy Connors*
Balazs Taroczy
6-7 6-0 6-4
Eddie Dibbs*
Andrew J. Pattison
6-3 6-1
Ilie Nastase*
Johan C. Kriek
6-4 3-6 6-3
Kenneth B. (Butch) Walts*
Wojtek Fibak
7-5 7-6
Christopher J. (Buster) Mottram*
Stan Smith
6-3 4-6 7-6
Eliot Teltscher*
Raul Ramirez
6-0 6-1
Vijay Amritraj*
Peter Fleming
6-3 7-6
Vitas Gerulaitis*
Bill Scanlon
4-6 6-2 6-3

Jimmy Connors*
Eddie Dibbs
6-2 6-2
Kenneth B. (Butch) Walts*
Ilie Nastase
6-3 6-4
Eliot Teltscher*
Christopher J. (Buster) Mottram
7-6 6-3
Vijay Amritraj*
Vitas Gerulaitis
6-1 0-6 6-4

Jimmy Connors*
Kenneth B. (Butch) Walts
6-3 6-3
Eliot Teltscher*
Vijay Amritraj
7-6 ret.

Jimmy Connors*
Eliot Teltscher
6-3 6-2

Round 1
Jimmy Connors*
Yannick Noah
Balazs Taroczy*
Charlie Owens
Eddie Dibbs*
Billy Martin
Andrew J. Pattison*
Mike Cahill
Kenneth B. (Butch) Walts*
Tom Okker
Wojtek Fibak*
Heinz Gunthardt
Ilie Nastase*
Timothy L. (Tim) Garcia
Johan C. Kriek*
Joel M. Bailey
Eliot Teltscher*
David Dowlen
Raul Ramirez*
Manuel (Manolo) Diaz
Christopher J. (Buster) Mottram*
Vincent Van Patten
Stan Smith*
Jose Luis Clerc
Vijay Amritraj*
Patrick (Pat) Dupre
Peter Fleming*
Rick Fagel
Vitas Gerulaitis*
Anand Amritraj
Bill Scanlon*
Terry Moor
Round 2
Jimmy Connors*
Balazs Taroczy
Eddie Dibbs*
Andrew J. Pattison
Kenneth B. (Butch) Walts*
Wojtek Fibak
Ilie Nastase*
Johan C. Kriek
Eliot Teltscher*
Raul Ramirez
Christopher J. (Buster) Mottram*
Stan Smith
Vijay Amritraj*
Peter Fleming
Vitas Gerulaitis*
Bill Scanlon
Jimmy Connors*
Eddie Dibbs
Kenneth B. (Butch) Walts*
Ilie Nastase
Eliot Teltscher*
Christopher J. (Buster) Mottram
Vijay Amritraj*
Vitas Gerulaitis
Jimmy Connors*
Kenneth B. (Butch) Walts
Eliot Teltscher*
Vijay Amritraj
Jimmy Connors*
Eliot Teltscher