Palm Harbor 1980

General 1980-03-31 - 1980-04-06
Grand Prix Circuit
Palm Harbor, Florida
United States of America

Source ATP

Info Prize Money $50,000
Hodges, Davidson, Rogul and McKee were qualifiers.


Winner Paul Francis McNamee

Jimmy Arias
John R. Austin
Byron Maxwell Bertram
Mike Cahill
David Carter
Larry Davidson
Steve Docherty
Jaime Jose Fillol sr
Alvaro Fillol
Joe Globisch
Francisco Gonzalez
Thomas Robert (Tom) Gullikson
Greg Halder
George Hardie III
Mark Harner
Jim Hodges
John William James
Paul C. Kronk
Steven Elliott (Steve) Krulevitz
Warren Maher
Roger McKee
Paul Francis McNamee
Matt Mitchell
Bernard (Bernie) Mitton
Steve Rogul
Nick Saviano
Howard David Schoenfield
Russell John Simpson
Stanley Roger (Stan) Smith
Harold C. Solomon
John T. Whitlinger
Van Alan Winitsky

Round 1
Russell Simpson*
Harold C. Solomon
6-4 6-1
Steve Krulevitz*
Greg Halder
4-6 7-6 6-4
Van Alan Winitsky*
John T. Whitlinger
6-4 6-3
Paul McNamee*
Paul C. Kronk
6-4 6-1
Bernie Mitton*
Jim Hodges
6-3 6-2
Jimmy Arias*
Warren Maher
7-6 6-1
George Hardie III*
Larry Davidson
6-3 6-2
Alvaro Fillol*
David Carter
7-5 5-7 7-5
Tom Gullikson*
Nick Saviano
6-4 7-5
Mike Cahill*
Steve Rogul
6-2 6-2
Steve Docherty*
Roger McKee
6-3 6-2
Matt Mitchell*
Joe Globisch
6-3 6-2
John James*
Francisco Gonzalez
7-6 6-4
Byron Bertram*
Jaime Fillol Sr.
6-4 7-6
Howard Schoenfield*
Mark Harner
6-3 6-2
Stan Smith*
John R. Austin
7-6 6-4

Round 2
Steve Krulevitz*
Russell Simpson
6-2 7-6
Paul McNamee*
Van Alan Winitsky
6-3 6-4
Bernie Mitton*
Jimmy Arias
6-4 7-5
George Hardie III*
Alvaro Fillol
2-6 6-3 2-3 ret.
Mike Cahill*
Tom Gullikson
6-3 6-4
Steve Docherty*
Matt Mitchell
6-4 6-4
Byron Bertram*
John James
6-2 5-7 7-6
Stan Smith*
Howard Schoenfield
6-1 7-5

Paul McNamee*
Steve Krulevitz
7-5 6-3
Bernie Mitton*
George Hardie III
6-2 6-4
Mike Cahill*
Steve Docherty
6-2 6-2
Stan Smith*
Byron Bertram
6-2 6-2

Paul McNamee*
Bernie Mitton
7-5 7-6
Stan Smith*
Mike Cahill
6-3 6-1

Paul McNamee*
Stan Smith
6-4 6-3

Round 1
Paul McNamee*
Paul C. Kronk
Van Alan Winitsky*
John T. Whitlinger
Steve Krulevitz*
Greg Halder
Russell Simpson*
Harold C. Solomon
Bernie Mitton*
Jim Hodges
Jimmy Arias*
Warren Maher
George Hardie III*
Larry Davidson
Alvaro Fillol*
David Carter
Stan Smith*
John R. Austin
Howard Schoenfield*
Mark Harner
Byron Bertram*
Jaime Fillol Sr.
John James*
Francisco Gonzalez
Mike Cahill*
Steve Rogul
Tom Gullikson*
Nick Saviano
Steve Docherty*
Roger McKee
Matt Mitchell*
Joe Globisch
Round 2
Paul McNamee*
Van Alan Winitsky
Steve Krulevitz*
Russell Simpson
Bernie Mitton*
Jimmy Arias
George Hardie III*
Alvaro Fillol
Stan Smith*
Howard Schoenfield
Byron Bertram*
John James
Mike Cahill*
Tom Gullikson
Steve Docherty*
Matt Mitchell
Paul McNamee*
Steve Krulevitz
Bernie Mitton*
George Hardie III
Stan Smith*
Byron Bertram
Mike Cahill*
Steve Docherty
Paul McNamee*
Bernie Mitton
Stan Smith*
Mike Cahill
Paul McNamee*
Stan Smith