Auckland 1910

General 1910-01-02 - 1910-01-06
Auckland, Eden and Epsom Courts
New Zealand

Source Papers Past

Report Mixed doubles final: Kate Nunneley/Tony Wilding def. E. Williams/Joseph Blair 6-0 6-3


Winner John Campbell Peacock

Roy Latham Billing
A.J. Black
Joseph Croswell Blair
W.A. Brown
Alan Saint-Clair Brown
Harold W. Brown
Thomas E. Clark
Norman Alexander Duthie
G. Ebbett
Francis Marion Bates (Frank) Fisher
W. Fraser
Thomas Reginald Grigson O.B.E.
Joseph Penfound Grossman
P.M. Hanna
Richard Dacre Harman
L.W. Hawkins
H. Henderson
E. Hickson
R.P. Hunt
Dr Hugh A. Keith
G. Maddison
H.N. Maddox
H. Morpeth
William Maxwell Bowie Mowbray
John Campbell Peacock
George Stanley Prouse
William John Dewitt Prouse
R.G. Rainger
Herbert Linley Robson
R.G. Sellar
F.S. Shirriffs
H.E.G. Smith
H.O. Thomson
S. Upton
H.J. Webber
Anthony Frederick (Tony) Wilding
Francis Sturmer (Frank) Wilding

Round 1
G. Ebbett*
Dr Hugh A. Keith
2-6 6-4 8-6
John Peacock*
R.G. Sellar
6-1 6-4
E. Hickson*
W. Fraser
Thomas Reginald Grigson O.B.E.*
Tony Wilding
1-6 Wilding decided to stop
Richard Dacre Harman*
W.A. Brown
6-4 6-4 6-4

Round 2
Harold W. Brown*
William Maxwell Bowie Mowbray
6-4 6-1
George Stanley Prouse*
H.N. Maddox
6-3 6-2
Thomas Reginald Grigson O.B.E.*
E. Hickson
6-2 6-1
L.W. Hawkins*
A.J. Black
6-2 6-2 7-5
Frank Fisher*
Joseph Penfound Grossman
6-3 6-3
Joseph Croswell Blair*
S. Upton
6-2 7-5 6-4
John Peacock*
Richard Dacre Harman
6-1 6-1
Roy Latham Billing*
H.E.G. Smith
6-1 6-0 6-0
H.J. Webber*
H.O. Thomson
9-7 6-3
H. Henderson*
Francis Sturmer (Frank) Wilding
7-5 7-5
G. Ebbett*
R.G. Rainger
6-1 6-1
H. Morpeth*
R.P. Hunt
2-6 6-4 6-3
Thomas E. Clark*
G. Maddison
6-2 7-5
P.M. Hanna*
William John Dewitt Prouse
6-2 1-6 6-4
Herbert Linley Robson*
Norman Alexander Duthie
6-3 6-4 6-2
Alan Saint-Clair Brown*
F.S. Shirriffs
6-2 6-4 6-3

Round 3
Harold W. Brown*
P.M. Hanna
6-2 6-1
George Stanley Prouse*
H.J. Webber
6-0 7-5
Thomas Reginald Grigson O.B.E.*
L.W. Hawkins
3-6 6-4 6-1
H. Morpeth*
Thomas E. Clark
6-1 6-2
Frank Fisher*
Herbert Linley Robson
6-2 8-6
Joseph Croswell Blair*
H. Henderson
6-2 6-0
John Peacock*
G. Ebbett
6-3 6-2
Roy Latham Billing*
Alan Saint-Clair Brown
6-1 4-6 6-2


Wilding retired out of sportsmanship. Stating it was unfair for him to compete in a local tournament.

Harold W. Brown*
George Stanley Prouse
7-5 4-6 6-4
Thomas Reginald Grigson O.B.E.*
H. Morpeth
Frank Fisher*
Joseph Croswell Blair
6-4 6-0
John Peacock*
Roy Latham Billing
8-6 6-0

Harold W. Brown*
Thomas Reginald Grigson O.B.E.
6-1 6-4
John Peacock*
Frank Fisher
6-3 3-6 8-6

John Peacock*
Harold W. Brown
6-1 3-6 4-6 6-2 6-3

Round 1
John Peacock*
R.G. Sellar
Richard Dacre Harman*
W.A. Brown
G. Ebbett*
Dr Hugh A. Keith
Thomas Reginald Grigson O.B.E.*
Tony Wilding
E. Hickson*
W. Fraser
Round 2
John Peacock*
Richard Dacre Harman
G. Ebbett*
R.G. Rainger
Roy Latham Billing*
H.E.G. Smith
Alan Saint-Clair Brown*
F.S. Shirriffs
Frank Fisher*
Joseph Penfound Grossman
Herbert Linley Robson*
Norman Alexander Duthie
Joseph Croswell Blair*
S. Upton
H. Henderson*
Francis Sturmer (Frank) Wilding
Harold W. Brown*
William Maxwell Bowie Mowbray
P.M. Hanna*
William John Dewitt Prouse
George Stanley Prouse*
H.N. Maddox
H.J. Webber*
H.O. Thomson
Thomas Reginald Grigson O.B.E.*
E. Hickson
L.W. Hawkins*
A.J. Black
H. Morpeth*
R.P. Hunt
Thomas E. Clark*
G. Maddison
Round 3
John Peacock*
G. Ebbett
Roy Latham Billing*
Alan Saint-Clair Brown
Frank Fisher*
Herbert Linley Robson
Joseph Croswell Blair*
H. Henderson
Harold W. Brown*
P.M. Hanna
George Stanley Prouse*
H.J. Webber
Thomas Reginald Grigson O.B.E.*
L.W. Hawkins
H. Morpeth*
Thomas E. Clark
John Peacock*
Roy Latham Billing
Frank Fisher*
Joseph Croswell Blair
Harold W. Brown*
George Stanley Prouse
Thomas Reginald Grigson O.B.E.*
H. Morpeth
John Peacock*
Frank Fisher
Harold W. Brown*
Thomas Reginald Grigson O.B.E.
John Peacock*
Harold W. Brown