City of Perth 1927

General 1927-04-15 - 1927-04-19
Perth, Royal Kings Park Tennis Club

Source The West Australian

Info Draw: 60


Winner Patrick (Pat) O'Hara Wood

S. Abrahamson
Keith Austin Barker
A.L. Blue
M.S. Brandenberg
Norman Kenneth Brearley
R.A. Cameron
C.H. Champion
William McLeod Cleland
A.G. Colclough
Marcus Coleman
W.R. Corr
R.C. Crowther
Jack Curran
Francis Charles Edmondson
Clement Leonard Evans
Ronald Douglas Ford
N.S. Fowler
H.J. Frank
G.N. Gawler
Rice Thomas Hopkins Gemmell
Hugh Victor Halbert
Max Halbert
W.A. Hall
William Henry Halliday
T.L. Hicks
Keith Allen Hough
R.E. Hough
Harold Daniel (Harry) Jacoby
L.E. James
Frank John Lefroy
H. Keyser
Cecil Herbert Lamb
Andrew Rowe Lang
Dudley R. Law
R.C. Leldon
K.S. Low
A.S. Lowe
T. Male
C.R.G. Mallett
Leonard (Len) McDaniell
Keith Alister McDougall
J. McIntyre
Patrick (Pat) O'Hara Wood

R.J. Percy
Robert Whitelock (Bob) Phillips
John Keith (Jack) Pilgrim
W.L. Reynolds
W.M. Richards
Geoffrey Lincoln Roberts
Ray M. Rodda
Ernest Thomas Rowe
B.O. Ryan
Thomas R. Scadden
Leonard P. Spencer
Harold Duncan (Harry) Stapledon
R.C. Sticht
Clarence Leslie Treloar
Victor Trounce
T.B. Varley
Arthur James (Jim) Willard

Round 1
Jim Willard*
Clement Leonard Evans*
Leonard P. Spencer*
Marcus Coleman
6-1 6-4
Cecil Herbert Lamb*
L.E. James
6-1 6-1
William McLeod Cleland*
Dudley R. Law
6-4 7-5
Harry Jacoby*
Keith Allen Hough
6-4 6-4
Frank John Lefroy*
C.R.G. Mallett
6-4 6-2
Clarence Leslie Treloar*
J. McIntyre
6-2 6-3
Norman Kenneth Brearley*
A.L. Blue
6-0 6-4
T.B. Varley*
R.C. Leldon
6-4 6-1
Andrew Rowe Lang*
C.H. Champion
6-4 6-2
W.M. Richards*
R.J. Percy
6-2 6-2
Harold Duncan (Harry) Stapledon*
B.O. Ryan
6-0 6-1
Max Halbert*
K.S. Low
6-3 6-4
Jack Curran*
H.J. Frank
6-4 6-3
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Francis Charles Edmondson
6-0 6-2
Rice Gemmell*
John Keith (Jack) Pilgrim
6-0 6-2
Ray M. Rodda*
W.R. Corr
6-4 7-5
N.S. Fowler*
T.L. Hicks
6-3 8-6
Thomas R. Scadden*
R.C. Sticht
6-3 7-5
R.A. Cameron*
W.A. Hall*
M.S. Brandenberg*
R.E. Hough
6-4 3-6 6-4
Robert Whitelock (Bob) Phillips*
Keith Alister McDougall
6-1 6-1
Ronald Douglas Ford*
R.C. Crowther
6-0 6-1
W.L. Reynolds*
A.S. Lowe
6-2 6-3
Leonard (Len) McDaniell*
H. Keyser
6-0 6-1
Victor Trounce*
A.G. Colclough
6-3 6-4
Geoffrey Lincoln Roberts*
G.N. Gawler
6-0 6-0
Keith Austin Barker*
T. Male
7-5 6-3
William Henry Halliday*
S. Abrahamson
6-4 6-2
Ernest Rowe*
Hugh Victor Halbert
6-2 6-1

Round 2
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Jack Curran
6-0 6-1
Harold Duncan (Harry) Stapledon*
Max Halbert
6-1 6-4
Robert Whitelock (Bob) Phillips*
M.S. Brandenberg
6-3 6-0
Clarence Leslie Treloar*
Frank John Lefroy
6-0 6-2
R.A. Cameron*
W.A. Hall
6-4 6-8 6-1
William McLeod Cleland*
Harry Jacoby
6-4 6-3
Cecil Herbert Lamb*
Leonard P. Spencer
6-1 6-0
Jim Willard*
Clement Leonard Evans
8-6 6-2
Rice Gemmell*
Ray M. Rodda
6-0 6-2
Thomas R. Scadden*
N.S. Fowler
7-5 6-1
Ronald Douglas Ford*
W.L. Reynolds
6-4 6-1
Victor Trounce*
Leonard (Len) McDaniell
6-0 6-0
Norman Kenneth Brearley*
T.B. Varley
6-4 6-4
W.M. Richards*
Andrew Rowe Lang
6-4 4-6 6-2
Geoffrey Lincoln Roberts*
Keith Austin Barker
8-6 6-2
Ernest Rowe*
William Henry Halliday
6-4 6-2

Round 3
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Harold Duncan (Harry) Stapledon
6-0 6-1
Norman Kenneth Brearley*
W.M. Richards
6-0 6-1
Clarence Leslie Treloar*
William McLeod Cleland
6-2 6-4
Jim Willard*
Cecil Herbert Lamb
12-10 6-2
Rice Gemmell*
Thomas R. Scadden
6-1 6-4
Robert Whitelock (Bob) Phillips*
R.A. Cameron
6-4 6-3
Ronald Douglas Ford*
Victor Trounce
9-7 8-6
Ernest Rowe*
Geoffrey Lincoln Roberts
4-6 6-3 7-5

Pat O'Hara Wood*
Norman Kenneth Brearley
6-0 6-3
Jim Willard*
Clarence Leslie Treloar
6-0 6-3
Rice Gemmell*
Robert Whitelock (Bob) Phillips
4-6 6-1 6-4
Ernest Rowe*
Ronald Douglas Ford
6-2 8-6

Pat O'Hara Wood*
Jim Willard
6-1 6-0 6-2
Ernest Rowe*
Rice Gemmell
5-7 6-2 6-3 6-2

Pat O'Hara Wood*
Ernest Rowe
6-3 6-3 6-3

Round 1
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Francis Charles Edmondson
Jack Curran*
H.J. Frank
Harold Duncan (Harry) Stapledon*
B.O. Ryan
Max Halbert*
K.S. Low
Norman Kenneth Brearley*
A.L. Blue
T.B. Varley*
R.C. Leldon
W.M. Richards*
R.J. Percy
Andrew Rowe Lang*
C.H. Champion
Jim Willard*
Clement Leonard Evans*
Cecil Herbert Lamb*
L.E. James
Leonard P. Spencer*
Marcus Coleman
Clarence Leslie Treloar*
J. McIntyre
Frank John Lefroy*
C.R.G. Mallett
William McLeod Cleland*
Dudley R. Law
Harry Jacoby*
Keith Allen Hough
Ernest Rowe*
Hugh Victor Halbert
William Henry Halliday*
S. Abrahamson
Geoffrey Lincoln Roberts*
G.N. Gawler
Keith Austin Barker*
T. Male
Ronald Douglas Ford*
R.C. Crowther
W.L. Reynolds*
A.S. Lowe
Victor Trounce*
A.G. Colclough
Leonard (Len) McDaniell*
H. Keyser
Rice Gemmell*
John Keith (Jack) Pilgrim
Ray M. Rodda*
W.R. Corr
Thomas R. Scadden*
R.C. Sticht
N.S. Fowler*
T.L. Hicks
Robert Whitelock (Bob) Phillips*
Keith Alister McDougall
M.S. Brandenberg*
R.E. Hough
R.A. Cameron*
W.A. Hall*
Round 2
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Jack Curran
Harold Duncan (Harry) Stapledon*
Max Halbert
Norman Kenneth Brearley*
T.B. Varley
W.M. Richards*
Andrew Rowe Lang
Jim Willard*
Clement Leonard Evans
Cecil Herbert Lamb*
Leonard P. Spencer
Clarence Leslie Treloar*
Frank John Lefroy
William McLeod Cleland*
Harry Jacoby
Ernest Rowe*
William Henry Halliday
Geoffrey Lincoln Roberts*
Keith Austin Barker
Ronald Douglas Ford*
W.L. Reynolds
Victor Trounce*
Leonard (Len) McDaniell
Rice Gemmell*
Ray M. Rodda
Thomas R. Scadden*
N.S. Fowler
Robert Whitelock (Bob) Phillips*
M.S. Brandenberg
R.A. Cameron*
W.A. Hall
Round 3
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Harold Duncan (Harry) Stapledon
Norman Kenneth Brearley*
W.M. Richards
Jim Willard*
Cecil Herbert Lamb
Clarence Leslie Treloar*
William McLeod Cleland
Ernest Rowe*
Geoffrey Lincoln Roberts
Ronald Douglas Ford*
Victor Trounce
Rice Gemmell*
Thomas R. Scadden
Robert Whitelock (Bob) Phillips*
R.A. Cameron
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Norman Kenneth Brearley
Jim Willard*
Clarence Leslie Treloar
Ernest Rowe*
Ronald Douglas Ford
Rice Gemmell*
Robert Whitelock (Bob) Phillips
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Jim Willard
Ernest Rowe*
Rice Gemmell
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Ernest Rowe