Spain 1 Satellite - Masters 1980

General 1980-08-11 - 1980-11-17


Source Spanish newspaper archive

Info Orysol Circuit – Prize money $ 10.000
Total circuit prize money $50,000
Final Circuit Standings and Circuit Points (ATP points not known.)
1. Jose Moreno 112
2. Gregoire Rafaitin 90
Ramiro Benavides 90
4. Alejandro Cortes 71
5. Jose Lopez Maeso 61
6. Diego Perez 50
7. Lorenzo Fargas 41
8. Eduardo Osta 40
9. Juan Carlos Santiago 27
10. Christoph Bernelle 22*
11. Rick Flach 21
12. Joel Ravel 20 *
Chistophe Lesage 20
14. Sivagnanam Suresh 19
15. James Dunphy 16 *
16. Bruno Rafaitin **
Eduardo Esteban **
Antonio Hernandez**

*Unclear whether there was a confusion between Bernelle and Ravel since Ravel does not appear in any other results of the circuits and not in the ATPrankings

Not sure if Bernelle and Dunphy received atp points since they did not attended the masters

** B. Rafaitin, Hernandez and Esteban were not listed in the circuit standings but attended the masters and had 1 atp point at the end of 1978


Winner Alejandro Cortes

Ramiro Benavides
Alejandro Cortes
Eduardo Esteban
Lorenzo Fargas
Rick Flach
Antonio Hernandez
Christophe Lesage
Jose Lopez Maeso
Jose A. Moreno
Eduardo Osta Valenti
Diego Perez
Gregoire Rafaitin
Bruno Rafaitin
Joel Ravel
Juan-Carlos Santiago
Sivagnanam (Shots) Suresh

Round 1
Jose A. Moreno*
Christophe Lesage
6-1 6-0
Lorenzo Fargas*
Joel Ravel
6-1 6-1
Ramiro Benavides*
Bruno Rafaitin
6-3 6-3
Rick Flach*
Eduardo Osta
Diego Perez*
Sivagnanam (Shots) Suresh
6-3 6-2
Jose Lopez Maeso*
Eduardo Esteban
7-6 6-1
Alejandro Cortes*
Antonio Hernandez
6-1 6-7 6-4
Gregoire Rafaitin*
Juan-Carlos Santiago
7-6 6-4

Jose A. Moreno*
Lorenzo Fargas
6-3 6-4
Ramiro Benavides*
Rick Flach
6-0 6-3
Diego Perez*
Jose Lopez Maeso
6-4 6-2
Alejandro Cortes*
Gregoire Rafaitin

Ramiro Benavides*
Jose A. Moreno
6-2 6-2
Alejandro Cortes*
Jose Lopez Maeso
6-3 6-?

Alejandro Cortes*
Ramiro Benavides
6-4 6-7 7-5

Round 1
Alejandro Cortes*
Antonio Hernandez
Jose Lopez Maeso*
Eduardo Esteban
Ramiro Benavides*
Bruno Rafaitin
Rick Flach*
Eduardo Osta
Jose A. Moreno*
Christophe Lesage
Lorenzo Fargas*
Joel Ravel
Diego Perez*
Jose Lopez Maeso
Ramiro Benavides*
Rick Flach
Jose A. Moreno*
Lorenzo Fargas
Alejandro Cortes*
Jose Lopez Maeso
Ramiro Benavides*
Jose A. Moreno
Alejandro Cortes*
Ramiro Benavides