Cincinnati 1967

General 1967-07-01 - 1967-07-09
Cincinnati, Ohio. University of Cincinnati
United States of America

Source World tennis


Winner Joaquin Loyo Mayo

John (Jack) Acheson
Anthony (Tony) Bardsley
Roy R. Barth
Steve Beeland
Dan J. Bleckinger
Christopher Bovett
Joseph (Joe) Brandi
David Brown
William Lloyd (Bill) Brown
Ray Buck-Lew
Leslie (Les) Buck
Bob Bullock
Chris Burr
Alberto (Tico) Carrero
Frank Conner
William (Bill) Cullen
Charles F. (Chuck) Darley
Richard P. (Dick) Dell
Macky Dominquez
Robert (Bobby) Ecuyer
Steve Faulk
Ray Federigi
Jaime Jose Fillol sr
Esteban Fillol
Herbert S. (Herb) Fitzgibbon II
Stephen P. (Steve) Foster
Luis Augusto Garcia
Ronald (Ron) Goldman
Thomas Warner (Tom) Gorman
J. Francisco (Pancho) Guzman
Jay Haines
Jon Hainline
Charles (Chuck) Hawley
Humphrey H. Hose
Tom B. Karp
Gary L. Kesl
Ricky D. (Dick) Knight
Ron Lague
Marcelo Lara
Richard N. (Dick) Leach
Tom Leonard
Joaquin Loyo Mayo
Roberto (Bob) Marcher
Michael (Mike) Marcin
Don McCormick
Bob Morton
Thomas (Tom) Mozur
Armistead C. Neely
Terry L. Neudecker
Danny O'Bryant
Cliff Price
Jon Ragland
Lamar Roemer
James (Jim) Rombeau
Gary Rose
Ian Russell
Lenny Schloss
Jasjit Singh (Singhramesh Krishnan)
Inderjit Singh
Michael (Mike) Sprengelmeyer
Roy W. Sprengelmeyer
Steven James (Steve) Tidball
William (Bill) Tym
Jose Villarete

Round 1
Christopher Bovett*
Bob Morton
9-7 5-7 6-0
Ronald (Ron) Goldman*
Inderjit Singh
6-2 4-6 6-1
Humphrey H. Hose*
Lenny Schloss
8-6 6-3
Gary L. Kesl*
Terry L. Neudecker
6-3 0-6 9-7
Jose Villarete*
Michael (Mike) Marcin
3-6 9-7 6-2

Round 2
Jasjit Singh*
Stephen P. (Steve) Foster
4-6 6-3 6-2
Tom Gorman*
Bill Brown
4-6 9-7 6-4
Dan J. Bleckinger*
Ian Russell
9-7 6-4
Tom B. Karp*
Jay Haines
6-0 6-1
Joaquin Loyo Mayo*
Leslie (Les) Buck
7-5 6-2
Christopher Bovett*
Ricky D. (Dick) Knight
8-10 6-2 6-3
Ronald (Ron) Goldman*
John (Jack) Acheson
9-7 6-4
Frank Conner*
Chris Burr
6-1 2-6 7-5
Humphrey H. Hose*
Charles (Chuck) Hawley
6-1 6-2
Gary Rose*
Macky Dominquez
7-5 6-1
Thomas (Tom) Mozur*
Roy W. Sprengelmeyer
6-4 8-6
Danny O'Bryant*
Gary L. Kesl
7-5 1-6 6-3
Jaime Fillol Sr.*
Cliff Price
4-6 6-2 6-1
Steve Beeland*
William (Bill) Cullen
10-8 6-3
Robert (Bobby) Ecuyer*
Don McCormick
6-3 2-6 8-6
Roy R. Barth*
Ray Federigi
6-1 6-3
Chuck Darley*
Mike Sprengelmeyer
6-4 6-1
Jose Villarete*
Jon Hainline
3-6 7-5 6-4
William (Bill) Tym*
Jon Ragland
6-2 6-4
James (Jim) Rombeau*
David Brown
6-0 6-0
Tony Bardsley*
Ray Buck-Lew
6-2 4-6 6-3
Richard N. (Dick) Leach*
Ron Lague
6-4 6-2
Luis Augusto Garcia*
Dick Dell
4-6 6-2 10-8
Marcelo Lara*
Lamar Roemer
6-2 8-10 6-2
Herb Fitzgibbon*
Bob Bullock
6-3 6-4
Steven James (Steve) Tidball*
Steve Faulk
4-6 10-8 7-5
Alberto (Tico) Carrero*
Esteban Fillol
6-3 6-1

Round 3
Dan J. Bleckinger*
Tom Gorman
6-2 6-4
Joaquin Loyo Mayo*
Tom B. Karp
10-8 6-3
Tom Leonard*
Christopher Bovett
9-7 4-6 8-6
Ronald (Ron) Goldman*
Frank Conner
1-6 6-2 8-6
Gary Rose*
Humphrey H. Hose
7-9 6-2 6-4
Thomas (Tom) Mozur*
Danny O'Bryant
8-6 6-2
Jasjit Singh*
Joseph (Joe) Brandi
6-1 6-3
Steven James (Steve) Tidball*
Alberto (Tico) Carrero
6-4 6-2
Roy R. Barth*
Robert (Bobby) Ecuyer
6-2 6-3
Chuck Darley*
Jose Villarete
6-1 6-3
William (Bill) Tym*
James (Jim) Rombeau
6-3 6-3
J. Francisco (Pancho) Guzman*
Tony Bardsley
6-4 8-6
Richard N. (Dick) Leach*
Luis Augusto Garcia
8-6 2-6 6-2
Marcelo Lara*
Armistead C. Neely
5-7 6-4 6-0
Herb Fitzgibbon*
Roberto (Bob) Marcher
6-2 6-3
Jaime Fillol Sr.*
Steve Beeland
6-3 6-2

Round 4
Steven James (Steve) Tidball*
Jasjit Singh
6-2 6-2
Joaquin Loyo Mayo*
Dan J. Bleckinger
6-4 6-2
Tom Leonard*
Ronald (Ron) Goldman
4-6 10-8 9-7
Gary Rose*
Thomas (Tom) Mozur
6-4 6-4
Jaime Fillol Sr.*
Roy R. Barth
8-6 6-2
Chuck Darley*
William (Bill) Tym
Richard N. (Dick) Leach*
J. Francisco (Pancho) Guzman
6-4 6-4
Herb Fitzgibbon*
Marcelo Lara
6-2 6-3

Joaquin Loyo Mayo*
Steven James (Steve) Tidball
6-2 18-16
Gary Rose*
Tom Leonard
7-5 6-4
Jaime Fillol Sr.*
Chuck Darley
4-6 7-5 6-1
Herb Fitzgibbon*
Richard N. (Dick) Leach
6-1 6-2

Joaquin Loyo Mayo*
Gary Rose
6-8 6-4 6-3
Jaime Fillol Sr.*
Herb Fitzgibbon
10-8 2-6 7-5

Joaquin Loyo Mayo*
Jaime Fillol Sr.
8-6 6-1

Round 1
Humphrey H. Hose*
Lenny Schloss
Gary L. Kesl*
Terry L. Neudecker
Christopher Bovett*
Bob Morton
Ronald (Ron) Goldman*
Inderjit Singh
Jose Villarete*
Michael (Mike) Marcin
Round 2
Joaquin Loyo Mayo*
Leslie (Les) Buck
Tom B. Karp*
Jay Haines
Dan J. Bleckinger*
Ian Russell
Tom Gorman*
Bill Brown
Steven James (Steve) Tidball*
Steve Faulk
Alberto (Tico) Carrero*
Esteban Fillol
Jasjit Singh*
Stephen P. (Steve) Foster
Gary Rose*
Macky Dominquez
Humphrey H. Hose*
Charles (Chuck) Hawley
Thomas (Tom) Mozur*
Roy W. Sprengelmeyer
Danny O'Bryant*
Gary L. Kesl
Christopher Bovett*
Ricky D. (Dick) Knight
Ronald (Ron) Goldman*
John (Jack) Acheson
Frank Conner*
Chris Burr
Jaime Fillol Sr.*
Cliff Price
Steve Beeland*
William (Bill) Cullen
Roy R. Barth*
Ray Federigi
Robert (Bobby) Ecuyer*
Don McCormick
Chuck Darley*
Mike Sprengelmeyer
Jose Villarete*
Jon Hainline
William (Bill) Tym*
Jon Ragland
James (Jim) Rombeau*
David Brown
Herb Fitzgibbon*
Bob Bullock
Marcelo Lara*
Lamar Roemer
Richard N. (Dick) Leach*
Ron Lague
Luis Augusto Garcia*
Dick Dell
Tony Bardsley*
Ray Buck-Lew
Round 3
Joaquin Loyo Mayo*
Tom B. Karp
Dan J. Bleckinger*
Tom Gorman
Steven James (Steve) Tidball*
Alberto (Tico) Carrero
Jasjit Singh*
Joseph (Joe) Brandi
Gary Rose*
Humphrey H. Hose
Thomas (Tom) Mozur*
Danny O'Bryant
Tom Leonard*
Christopher Bovett
Ronald (Ron) Goldman*
Frank Conner
Jaime Fillol Sr.*
Steve Beeland
Roy R. Barth*
Robert (Bobby) Ecuyer
Chuck Darley*
Jose Villarete
William (Bill) Tym*
James (Jim) Rombeau
Herb Fitzgibbon*
Roberto (Bob) Marcher
Marcelo Lara*
Armistead C. Neely
Richard N. (Dick) Leach*
Luis Augusto Garcia
J. Francisco (Pancho) Guzman*
Tony Bardsley
Round 4
Joaquin Loyo Mayo*
Dan J. Bleckinger
Steven James (Steve) Tidball*
Jasjit Singh
Gary Rose*
Thomas (Tom) Mozur
Tom Leonard*
Ronald (Ron) Goldman
Jaime Fillol Sr.*
Roy R. Barth
Chuck Darley*
William (Bill) Tym
Herb Fitzgibbon*
Marcelo Lara
Richard N. (Dick) Leach*
J. Francisco (Pancho) Guzman
Joaquin Loyo Mayo*
Steven James (Steve) Tidball
Gary Rose*
Tom Leonard
Jaime Fillol Sr.*
Chuck Darley
Herb Fitzgibbon*
Richard N. (Dick) Leach
Joaquin Loyo Mayo*
Gary Rose
Jaime Fillol Sr.*
Herb Fitzgibbon
Joaquin Loyo Mayo*
Jaime Fillol Sr.