South Australian Championships 1924

General 1924-03-13 - 1924-03-22
Adelaide, Oval Courts

Source The Register

Info Draw: 46


Winner Patrick (Pat) O'Hara Wood

S.P. Bannister
Keith Austin Barker
Kenneth (Ken) Berriman
Roy Latham Billing
Stanley Goldsworthy Cocks
E.B. Coles
L.G. Collins
C. Dechert
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson
Wilfred Bruce (Bruce) Dive
Guy B. Fisher
Basil Shaw Fitchett
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett
Robert A. (Bob) Fotheringham
Dr Reginald Alfred Goode
Dr. Colin Gurner
H. Halloran
Dr Garton Maxwell (Gar) Hone
Ludwig Adolf Emmanuel Leidig
Thomas James Matthew Linn
Donald L. Mellish
Stanley Vincent Milligan
Henry Morris-Smith
Dr Harry Carew Nott
Gerald Michael O'Dea
Justin Leyden O'Dea
Patrick (Pat) O'Hara Wood
Dr Harold John Penny
W.G. Pitchers
Alfred Keith Pitman
John Ernest (Jack) Pontt
Leslie Newburn Rainey
M.P. Reid
D.Bevan Reid
E. Richmond
Robert Monteith Rolland
A.E. Rose
Ernest Thomas Rowe
Ross Sawers
Alexander Frederick Robert Scott
Richard B. Sewell
H.E. Solomon
B.H. Swift
Geoffrey Kyffin Thomas
Ron C. Thomson
Alan Murray Treloar

Round 1

The remaining Players had a bye.

Wilfred Bruce (Bruce) Dive*
Ross Sawers
6-1 1-6 6-1 6-0
Gerald Michael O'Dea*
M.P. Reid
6-3 6-4 6-4
Dr Harold John Penny*
Dr Reginald Alfred Goode
6-1 6-4 6-3
Robert Monteith Rolland*
B.H. Swift
6-3 6-1 6-0
Dr. Colin Gurner*
Richard B. Sewell
6-1 6-4 6-2
Alfred Keith Pitman*
Geoffrey Kyffin Thomas
Ernest Rowe*
D.Bevan Reid
6-4 6-3 7-5
Leslie Newburn Rainey*
Robert A. (Bob) Fotheringham
7-5 6-2 6-3
Henry Morris-Smith*
A.E. Rose
6-0 6-3 7-9 6-3
Stanley Goldsworthy Cocks*
Ron C. Thomson
4-6 6-1 6-4 6-3
Alexander Frederick Robert Scott*
Donald L. Mellish
6-4 6-4 4-6 10-8
John Ernest (Jack) Pontt*
W.G. Pitchers
6-3 6-2 6-1
S.P. Bannister*
Kenneth (Ken) Berriman
6-3 6-1 6-2
Garton Hone*
Guy B. Fisher

Round 2
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Keith Austin Barker
6-3 6-2 6-1
Thomas James Matthew Linn*
E. Richmond
2-6 6-2 6-1 6-3
Alan Murray Treloar*
L.G. Collins
6-2 6-4 6-4
Stanley Vincent Milligan*
Ludwig Adolf Emmanuel Leidig
6-2 6-3 6-1
Wilfred Bruce (Bruce) Dive*
Justin Leyden O'Dea
5-7 6-2 7-9 6-4 6-1
Dr Harold John Penny*
Gerald Michael O'Dea
7-5 7-5 6-4
Robert Monteith Rolland*
Dr. Colin Gurner
7-5 6-4 2-6 5-7 6-2
Ernest Rowe*
Alfred Keith Pitman
6-1 6-3 6-1
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
H.E. Solomon
8-6 6-3 6-0
Dr Harry Carew Nott*
H. Halloran
6-2 6-0 6-2
Roy Latham Billing*
Basil Shaw Fitchett
8-6 6-3 6-1
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson*
E.B. Coles
6-1 7-5 6-3
Leslie Newburn Rainey*
Henry Morris-Smith
6-3 6-3 6-4
Alexander Frederick Robert Scott*
Stanley Goldsworthy Cocks
3-6 6-3 6-3 8-6
John Ernest (Jack) Pontt*
C. Dechert
6-1 6-0 6-1
Garton Hone*
S.P. Bannister
6-2 6-1 6-0

Round 3
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Thomas James Matthew Linn
6-1 6-2 6-1
Stanley Vincent Milligan*
Alan Murray Treloar
6-2 7-5 6-1
Wilfred Bruce (Bruce) Dive*
Dr Harold John Penny
6-3 6-2 6-4
Ernest Rowe*
Robert Monteith Rolland
6-2 6-4 6-3
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
Dr Harry Carew Nott
6-4 6-4 6-6 ret.
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson*
Roy Latham Billing
6-2 6-0 6-3
Leslie Newburn Rainey*
Alexander Frederick Robert Scott
6-3 1-6 6-3 7-5
Garton Hone*
John Ernest (Jack) Pontt
6-1 6-2 4-6 6-2

Pat O'Hara Wood*
Stanley Vincent Milligan
6-4 7-5 6-1
Ernest Rowe*
Wilfred Bruce (Bruce) Dive
6-2 6-1 6-2
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson
6-2 6-3 6-2
Garton Hone*
Leslie Newburn Rainey
6-1 3-6 6-4 6-1

Pat O'Hara Wood*
Ernest Rowe
6-4 6-4 5-7 3-6 6-3
Garton Hone*
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett
6-3 1-6 7-5 6-3

Pat O'Hara Wood*
Garton Hone
6-3 4-6 6-1 6-4

Round 1
Ernest Rowe*
D.Bevan Reid
Alfred Keith Pitman*
Geoffrey Kyffin Thomas
Robert Monteith Rolland*
B.H. Swift
Dr. Colin Gurner*
Richard B. Sewell
Wilfred Bruce (Bruce) Dive*
Ross Sawers
Dr Harold John Penny*
Dr Reginald Alfred Goode
Gerald Michael O'Dea*
M.P. Reid
Garton Hone*
Guy B. Fisher
S.P. Bannister*
Kenneth (Ken) Berriman
John Ernest (Jack) Pontt*
W.G. Pitchers
Leslie Newburn Rainey*
Robert A. (Bob) Fotheringham
Henry Morris-Smith*
A.E. Rose
Alexander Frederick Robert Scott*
Donald L. Mellish
Stanley Goldsworthy Cocks*
Ron C. Thomson
Round 2
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Keith Austin Barker
Thomas James Matthew Linn*
E. Richmond
Stanley Vincent Milligan*
Ludwig Adolf Emmanuel Leidig
Alan Murray Treloar*
L.G. Collins
Ernest Rowe*
Alfred Keith Pitman
Robert Monteith Rolland*
Dr. Colin Gurner
Wilfred Bruce (Bruce) Dive*
Justin Leyden O'Dea
Dr Harold John Penny*
Gerald Michael O'Dea
Garton Hone*
S.P. Bannister
John Ernest (Jack) Pontt*
C. Dechert
Leslie Newburn Rainey*
Henry Morris-Smith
Alexander Frederick Robert Scott*
Stanley Goldsworthy Cocks
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
H.E. Solomon
Dr Harry Carew Nott*
H. Halloran
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson*
E.B. Coles
Roy Latham Billing*
Basil Shaw Fitchett
Round 3
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Thomas James Matthew Linn
Stanley Vincent Milligan*
Alan Murray Treloar
Ernest Rowe*
Robert Monteith Rolland
Wilfred Bruce (Bruce) Dive*
Dr Harold John Penny
Garton Hone*
John Ernest (Jack) Pontt
Leslie Newburn Rainey*
Alexander Frederick Robert Scott
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
Dr Harry Carew Nott
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson*
Roy Latham Billing
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Stanley Vincent Milligan
Ernest Rowe*
Wilfred Bruce (Bruce) Dive
Garton Hone*
Leslie Newburn Rainey
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett*
Gordon William Rivers Dickinson
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Ernest Rowe
Garton Hone*
Thomas King (Timothy) Fitchett
Pat O'Hara Wood*
Garton Hone