General Axel
United States of America
, Germany
, -


Axel Kaufman was born about 1925 in Germany, his father, Herman, was 35 and his mother, Erna, was 27. In 1940, he was 15 years old and lived in New York, New York, with his father, mother, and sister.

Longwood Cricket Club:
Axel Kaufman

Longwood’s True Renaissance Man
Axel Kaufman's wide range of accomplishments showed true skill in many fields. In no particular order, Axel epitomized the best of the best:
A family man with wife, daughter, son in law and grandchildren who are Longwood members.
A member of Longwood since Harry Truman was President (1950).
A talented artist and cartoonist.
A gifted poet and author of “Which Way to the Finals, Please”. (On sale in the Pro Shop)
A former tournament tennis player who still wields a mean racquet.
A noted architect.
A past Longwood president from 1989 to 1991.The Cricketeer was born during his presidency.
A current advisory Longwood board member.
A former member of many committees – too numerous to mention.
The reasons why he was chosen as the Elcock award winner were his lifelong commitment to excellence at Longwood as a board member, member of the Grounds, House and Long Range Planning Committees as well as being our architectural consultant for the many expansion and rehabilitation projects at the club. For over half a century Axel was the point person whenever any building or landscaping project has been contemplated – no matter how large or how small. He gave the club countless hours of his time without complaint. Always willing to listen and offering his expertise in the planning and execution stages of a project, Axel was truly one of the major reasons why our club is as beautiful as it is.

The Board and club membership sincerely appreciated Axel's years of selfless labor and love of Longwood.


Archive statistics 1946 - 1968

Tournaments New England Indoors - 1968 New England Indoors - 1967 Central New England - 1967 North Shore (Massachusetts) - 1966 North Shore Indoors (Massachusetts) - 1966 Massachusetts State Indoors - 1966 New England Championships - 1965 Connecticut Championships - 1965 Massachusetts State Championships - 1965 Central New England - 1965 Connecticut Championships - 1964 Massachusetts State Championships - 1964 Connecticut Championships - 1963 Western Massachusetts - 1963 New England Championships - 1962 Western New England - 1962 Central New England - 1962 Green Mountain Championships - 1962 Twin State - 1962 Massachusetts State Championships - 1961 Connecticut Championships - 1960 Maine State Championships - 1960 New England Championships - 1958 Connecticut Championships - 1958 Massachusetts State Championships - 1957 Twin State - 1957 New England Championships - 1956 Massachusetts State Championships - 1956 White Mountain Championships - 1956 North Shore (Massachusetts) - 1955 Central Massachusetts - 1955 New England Mid-Winter Invitation - 1954 Twin State - 1954 US International Indoor Championships - 1953 Maine State Championships - 1953 US International Indoor Championships - 1950 Newport Casino - 1949 US International Indoor Championships - 1949 New Jersey State Championships - 1949 US Clay Courts - 1948 US International Indoor Championships - 1948 US Clay Courts - 1947 Eastern Clay Court Championships - 1946 US International Indoor Championships - 1946 Villars - 1946

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