General Gerard Jacobus
Den Haag, Netherlands
Den Haag, Netherlands


Gerard Scheurleer was one of the first important Dutch tennis players. He won nine Dutch titles (all in doubles or mixed doubles) between 1908 and 1921, and ranked high in the 1906 Athens Olympics. His active career finished abruptly when he lost a leg in a 1922 motorcycle accident, but he continued to be of influence as a coach and author of tennis books. His most prominent pupils include Henk Timmer and Kea Bouman. The latter became the first Dutch player to win a Grand Slam event, and the two won a bronze medal in the 1924 mixed doubles. Besides tennis books, Scheurleer was also a sports journalist. He also made a mark on Dutch field hockey, where he introduced a new, softer ball to replace the normal hard one. This separated the sport in the Netherlands from international competition until it was abolished with the advent of the 1928 Olympics.


Archive statistics 1901 - 1934

Tournament wins 1934 - Eindhoven (Amateur)
1933 - Nijmegen (Amateur)
1933 - Arnhem (Amateur)
1929 - Amersfoort (Amateur)
1927 - Nijmegen (Amateur)
1927 - Baarn (Amateur)
1907 - Netherlands International Championships (Open)

Tournaments Netherlands International Championships - 1934 Netherlands National Championship - 1934 Eindhoven - 1934 Rotterdam Anglo Dutch - 1934 Den Haag - 1933 Netherlands National Championship - 1933 Nijmegen - 1933 Bussum - 1933 Rotterdam Anglo Dutch - 1933 Arnhem - 1933 Marlot Den Haag - 1933 Amersfoort - 1931 Marlot Den Haag - 1931 Netherlands National Championship - 1930 Amersfoort - 1930 Eindhoven - 1929 Amersfoort - 1929 Nijmegen - 1927 Baarn - 1927 Netherlands National Championship - 1926 Netherlands International Championships - 1925 Baarn - 1925 World Hardcourt Championships - 1922 Wimbledon - 1920 Netherlands International Championships - 1920 Noordwijk - 1920 Wimbledon - 1919 Queens Club Tournament - 1919 Netherlands International Championships - 1919 Netherlands International Championships - 1916 Netherlands National Championship - 1912 Netherlands International Championships - 1910 Den Haag - 1910 Brussel International Matches - 1910 Netherlands National Championship - 1910 Netherlands International Championships - 1909 Den Haag - 1909 Netherlands International Championships - 1907 Homburg Cup - 1907 Olympics, Olympic Games - 1906 Netherlands International Championships - 1906 European Championship - 1905 Homburg Cup - 1905 Netherlands National Championship - 1905 Nijmegen - 1905 Netherlands International Championships - 1904 Homburg Cup - 1904 Den Haag - 1904 Netherlands International Championships - 1903 European Championship - 1903 Homburg Cup - 1903 Homburg International Championship - 1903 Netherlands National Championship - 1903 Netherlands International Championships - 1902 Belgian International Championships - 1901

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