General Friedrich (Fitti)
Freiburg, Germany
Baden-Baden, Germany



Archive statistics 1924 - 1942

Tournament wins 1935 - International Championshps of the Ruhr-Area (Amateur)
1934 - Feldberg (Amateur)
1934 - Tübingen General Tournament (Amateur)
1934 - Bodensee (Amateur)
1933 - Arosa (Amateur)
1933 - International Championshps of the Ruhr-Area (Amateur)
1933 - Titisee (Amateur)
1932 - Cup of the Spa Association of Arosa (Amateur)
1932 - Arosa (Amateur)
1932 - Ulm (Amateur)
1932 - Bühlerhöhe (Amateur)
1931 - Rheinfelden (Amateur)
1931 - Flims (Amateur)
1931 - Bodensee (Amateur)
1931 - Arosa (Amateur)
1931 - Dortmund International (Amateur)
1931 - Tübingen General Tournament (Amateur)
1930 - Flims (Amateur)
1926 - Bad Ems (Amateur)
1926 - Championships of Freiburg (Amateur)
1926 - Championships of Basel (Amateur)
1924 - Bad Dürrheim (Amateur)

Tournaments Baden Championships - 1942 Baden Championships - 1940 Wiesbaden Championships - 1939 Championships of Freiburg - 1939 Titisee - 1938 Bad Schachen - 1938 Badenweiler General Tournament - 1938 Baden-Baden - 1937 Wiesbaden Championships - 1937 Championships of Stuttgart - 1937 International Championshps of the Ruhr-Area - 1937 Titisee - 1937 Bad Wörishofen - 1937 Wiesbaden Championships - 1936 Championships of Mannheim - 1936 Titisee - 1936 Bodensee - 1936 Hindenburg and Black Forest Cup - 1936 Wiesbaden Championships - 1935 Düsseldorf International - 1935 International Championshps of the Ruhr-Area - 1935 Championships of Mannheim - 1935 Titisee - 1935 Bodensee - 1935 Baden-Baden - 1934 Wiesbaden Championships - 1934 German National Championships - 1934 Championships of Stuttgart - 1934 Championships of Mannheim - 1934 Heilbronn - 1934 Titisee - 1934 Bodensee - 1934 Tübingen General Tournament - 1934 Karlsruhe - 1934 Feldberg - 1934 German International Championships - 1933 Baden-Baden - 1933 Bavarian International Championships - 1933 Davos - 1933 International Championshps of the Ruhr-Area - 1933 Klosters International - 1933 Arosa - 1933 Titisee - 1933 Cup of the Spa Association of Arosa - 1933 Swiss International Championships - 1932 Homburg Cup - 1932 Baden-Baden - 1932 German National Championships - 1932 Arosa - 1932 Tübingen General Tournament - 1932 Bühlerhöhe - 1932 Ulm - 1932 Feldberg - 1932 Cup of the Spa Association of Arosa - 1932 Zürich Valsana - 1932 Baden-Baden - 1931 Flims - 1931 International Championshps of the Ruhr-Area - 1931 Dortmund International - 1931 Bad Neuenahr - 1931 Arosa - 1931 Heilbronn - 1931 Bodensee - 1931 Tübingen General Tournament - 1931 Karlsruhe - 1931 Bühlerhöhe - 1931 Feldberg - 1931 Rheinfelden - 1931 Baden-Baden - 1930 Flims - 1930 Championships of Merano - 1929 Championships of Frankfurt am Main - 1926 Championships of Freiburg - 1926 Championships of Basel - 1926 Bad Ems - 1926 Bühlerhöhe - 1926 Baden-Baden - 1925 Championships of Frankfurt am Main - 1924 Heilbronn - 1924 Bad Dürrheim - 1924 Marburg - 1924

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