General Charles W. (Charlie)
Wood Jr.
United States of America
, -


He was the national professional doubles champion in 1933 with Vincent Richards and in 1936 with Harold Blauer.
He was the president of the P.L.T.A.(Professional Lawn Tennis Association) in 1938. He was a pro at Coral Beach Tennis Club.

Charles Wood was a charter member of the PLTA and was the first amateur to turn professional. He played in the first National Professional Tennis Championships in 1927 and won the National Professional doubles title in 1933 and 1936. He was the owner and manager of the Coral Beach Club in Palm Beach, Fla., for many years.


Archive statistics 1923 - 1947

Tournaments US Pro Championships - 1947 US Pro Championships - 1946 Wentworth by the Sea - 1946 US Pro Championships - 1943 US Pro Championships - 1942 US Pro Championships - 1941 Southeastern Professional - 1940 US Pro Championships - 1936 US Pro Championships - 1935 US Pro Championships - 1933 US Pro Indoors - 1933 US Pro Indoors - 1932 US Pro Championships - 1931 US Pro Championships - 1930 Southern Professionals - 1930 US Pro Championships - 1929 Southern Professionals - 1929 US Pro Championships - 1928 Southern Professionals - 1928 US Pro Championships - 1927 US Open - 1923

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