General Ernest Stanley
Richmond, Surrey, England
Folkestone, Kent, England


A gifted lawn tennis player in his younger days, Ernest S. Ealmon later became known as a distinguished mycologist.

From The Times, 13 October 1959:

Obituary – Professor Ernest S. Salmon – Diseases of the Hop

Professor Ernest Stanley Salmon, Emeritus Professor of Mycology at London and fellow of Wye College, died yesterday at the age of 88. Much of his early work on the fungi was done at the Jodrell Laboratory, Kew, and this culminated in the publication in 1900 of a Monograph of the Erysiphaceae. This work. which still remains the authority on all important group. was sufficient to establish him as a man of uncommon intellectual stature. But Salmon is perhaps best known for his work on the genetics and diseases of the hop plant.

In 1906 he was appointed to Wye College (University of London) to study diseases of crop plants and here he became a pioneer in plant pathology. An older generation of fruit growers will remember his persistent and successful efforts to control apple scab by the use of chemicals which are still in common use. Salmon’s investigations into hop diseases led to the breeding of resistant varieties and so to the study of other characteristics of the hop plant, a study which was to be the main interest of the latter part of his life.

He was one of the first to realize that a plant breeder should have a command of the maximum range of types available and early in the century he began a collection of living hop plants from many countries. This has remained unique. In the long-term process of breeding new varieties, be often succeeded in anticipating the future demands of the hop industry and this is demonstrated by their fulfilling present day needs in an era of machine-picking and wilt.

Salmon belonged to a generation of biologists trained in the painstaking observation of minute detail and although this trait remained part of his character he was an original thinker. During the half century he occupied rooms at Wye College he was forever pressing his younger colleagues to seek new methods of inquiry.


Archive statistics 1894 - 1905

Tournaments Wimbledon - 1905 Wimbledon Plate (Consolation) - 1905 Chichester - 1905 Middlesex Championships - 1905 Middlesex Championships - 1904 Wimbledon - 1903 Middlesex Championships - 1903 Wimbledon - 1902 Middlesex Championships - 1902 South of England Championships - 1901 Yorkshire Championships - 1901 Middlesex Championships - 1901 South of England Championships - 1900 Middlesex Championships - 1900 East of England Championships - 1894

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