General Dr. Jaroslav
Praha, Czechoslovakia
Praha, Czechoslovakia


The following information was translated and adapted from the Czech Wikipedia entry on Jaroslav Just, which can be accessed here:

Jaroslav Just was born as the second son of the Prague merchant Eduard Just (1845–1911) and his wife Hana, née Wagner. Like his older brother Eduard (b. 1881), Jaroslvav was involved in sport from childhood, especially lawn tennis. He graduated from the Czech Technical University in Prague, where he became a teaching assistant and, after defending his thesis, a lecturer.

Jarsolav Just was among the first generation of players to grow up playing lawn tennis at the First Czech Lawn Tennis Club in Prague, whose exact address was Prague 7, Štvanice. Amongst other achievements, he was a member of the Austro-Hungarian Olympic tennis team at the 1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm. He also represented Czechoslovakia at the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp.
Between 1921 and 1928, Jaroslav Just held the position of president of the First Czech Tennis Club. He was succeeded in this role by his brother, Dr Eduard Just, who was a lawyer by profession.


Archive statistics 1903 - 1927

Tournament wins 1910 - Championships of Heringsdorf (Amateur)
1906 - Prague Championships (First Czech LTC) (Amateur)

Tournaments Hainz memorial - 1927 Czechoslovakian International Championships - 1926 Rimaszombat International Tournament - 1926 Hainz memorial - 1925 Hainz memorial - 1924 Olympic Qualification Tournament - 1924 Hainz memorial - 1923 Marienbad Championships - 1921 Hainz memorial - 1921 Olympics, Olympic Games - 1920 Olympics, Olympic Games - 1912 Olympics Indoor - 1912 Karlsbad Cup - 1911 Austrian International Championships - 1910 Championships of Heringsdorf - 1910 Bad Ragaz - 1907 Prague Championships (First Czech LTC) - 1907 Austrian International Championships - 1906 Praha (Prague) - 1906 Championships of Mannheim - 1906 Prague Championships (First Czech LTC) - 1906 Pfalz Mannheim - 1906 Austrian International Championships - 1905 Prague Championships (First Czech LTC) - 1903

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