General Vincent (Vinnie)
United States of America
Yonkers, New York, United States of America
New York, United States of America


In 1918, Vinnie Richards, at the age of 15 years 139 days, became the youngest player ever to win a U.S. national title when he won the men?s doubles with Bill Tilden. He was a student at Fordham Prep at the time and later attended Fordham University and Columbia University. Richards went on to win four more U.S. men?s doubles titles, and he won once at Wimbledon, once at the French championships, and took the U.S. mixed doubles twice. Although he was the only triple medal winner in the 1924 Olympic lawn tennis events, he survived some desperately close matches. Of the five matches Richards played on the way to the singles title, three went to five sets and another to four sets. Both the semi-final and the final of the men?s doubles went to five sets and, adding in his mixed doubles schedule, it is not surprising that Richards lost 18 lbs. (8 kg.) during the tournament. After the Davis Cup matches of 1926, Vinnie Richards turned professional at the age of 23 and won the first U.S. pro singles title.


Archive statistics 1918 - 1950

Tournament wins 1933 - US Pro Championships (Professional)
1932 - US Pro Indoors (Professional)
1930 - Southern Professionals (Professional)
1930 - US Pro Championships (Professional)
1928 - Southern Professionals (Professional)
1928 - US Pro Championships (Professional)
1927 - US Pro Championships (Professional)
1926 - Dixie Championships (Amateur)
1926 - Southeastern Championships (Amateur)
1926 - Mason & Dixon Tournament (Open)
1926 - New York Metropolitan Grass Court Championships (Amateur)
1926 - Florida State Championship (Open)
1926 - Seabright Invitational (Amateur)
1925 - Long Island Championships (Open)
1925 - Orange Invitation (Amateur)
1925 - New York Metropolitan Grass Court Championships (Amateur)
1925 - Jamaican International Championships (Amateur)
1925 - Seabright Invitational (Amateur)
1924 - US International Indoor Championships (Amateur)
1924 - Southeastern Championships (Amateur)
1924 - Florida State Championship (Open)
1924 - Brooklyn Heights Casino Indoor Invitation (Amateur)
1924 - Mexican Championships (Open)
1924 - Olympics, Olympic Games (Olympic Games)
1924 - Jamaican International Championships (Amateur)
1923 - Queens Club Tournament (ATP)
1923 - Mexican Championships (Open)
1923 - United North and South tournament (Amateur)
1923 - US International Indoor Championships (Amateur)
1923 - Bermuda Championships (Amateur)
1923 - Southampton Invitation (Long Island) (Amateur)
1922 - New England Championships (Open)
1922 - New York Metropolitan Clay Court Championships (Amateur)
1922 - Southampton Invitation (Long Island) (Amateur)
1922 - Middle States Indoors (Open)
1922 - New York Metropolitan Grass Court Championships (Amateur)
1921 - Rhode Island State Championships (Amateur)
1921 - Eastern New York Clay Court Championships (Amateur)
1921 - New York Metropolitan Grass Court Championships (Amateur)
1921 - Western States Championships (Open)
1920 - Southampton Invitation (Long Island) (Amateur)
1920 - Ontario Championships (Open)
1920 - New York Tennis Club Invitation (Amateur)
1919 - US International Indoor Championships (Amateur)
1919 - Ontario Championships (Open)

Tournaments US Pro Championships - 1950 Philadelphia Pro Championships - 1950 US Pro Championships - 1947 US Pro Indoors - 1947 Buffalo Pro Championships - 1947 US Pro Championships - 1946 New England Pro Championships - 1946 Middle States Pro Grass Courts - 1946 Indiana State Pros - 1946 Miami Gold Cup - 1946 Pittsburgh Masters Pro - 1946 Chicago Pro Championships - 1946 US Pro Championships - 1945 North and South Professional Tournament - 1944 US Pro Championships - 1943 US Pro Championships - 1941 White Sulphur Springs Open - 1941 Eastern Professional Championships - 1941 St.Louis Professional Championships - 1941 US Pro Championships - 1940 White Sulphur Springs Open - 1940 Southeastern Professional - 1940 Asheville Pro Round-Robin - 1940 US Pro Championships - 1939 US Pro Championships - 1938 Brussels Professional Autumn Championships - 1938 Copenhagen Pro - 1938 US Pro Championships - 1933 US Pro Indoors - 1933 Park Avenue Tennis Club - 1933 US Pro Indoors - 1932 Hamilton Pro Championships - 1932 US Pro Championships - 1931 US Pro Indoors - 1931 Longwood Bowl Pro Championships - 1931 US Pro Championships - 1930 Southern Professionals - 1930 US Pro Championships - 1929 Southern Professionals - 1929 US Pro Championships - 1928 Southern Professionals - 1928 US Pro Championships - 1927 Wimbledon - 1926 Roland Garros - 1926 US Open - 1926 Mason & Dixon Tournament - 1926 Seabright Invitational - 1926 Dixie Championships - 1926 Florida State Championship - 1926 New York Metropolitan Grass Court Championships - 1926 Southeastern Championships - 1926 Brooklyn Heights Casino Indoor Invitation - 1926 Southern New York Championships - 1926 US Open - 1925 Seabright Invitational - 1925 Florida State Championship - 1925 Orange Invitation - 1925 Long Island Championships - 1925 Jamaican International Championships - 1925 Eastern New York Clay Court Championships - 1925 New York Metropolitan Grass Court Championships - 1925 Southeastern Championships - 1925 New York Metropolitan Clay Court Championships - 1925 Wimbledon - 1924 US Open - 1924 Olympics, Olympic Games - 1924 Mexican Championships - 1924 US International Indoor Championships - 1924 Florida State Championship - 1924 Jamaican International Championships - 1924 Southeastern Championships - 1924 Brooklyn Heights Casino Indoor Invitation - 1924 Wimbledon - 1923 US Open - 1923 Bermuda Championships - 1923 United North and South tournament - 1923 Queens Club Tournament - 1923 Mexican Championships - 1923 US International Indoor Championships - 1923 Southampton Invitation (Long Island) - 1923 Buffalo Indoor - 1923 US Open - 1922 Bermuda Championships - 1922 New England Championships - 1922 Rhode Island State Championships - 1922 Southampton Invitation (Long Island) - 1922 Middle States Indoors - 1922 New York Metropolitan Grass Court Championships - 1922 New York Metropolitan Clay Court Championships - 1922 US Open - 1921 Seabright Invitational - 1921 Western States Championships - 1921 Rhode Island State Championships - 1921 Southampton Invitation (Long Island) - 1921 Orange Invitation - 1921 Eastern New York Clay Court Championships - 1921 New York Metropolitan Grass Court Championships - 1921 Philadelphia Invitational - 1921 US Open - 1920 US Clay Courts - 1920 US International Indoor Championships - 1920 Ontario Championships - 1920 Southampton Invitation (Long Island) - 1920 Eastern New York Clay Court Championships - 1920 New York Tennis Club Invitation - 1920 US Open - 1919 US Clay Courts - 1919 US International Indoor Championships - 1919 Ontario Championships - 1919 Middle States Indoors - 1919 Niagara International Tournament - 1919 Western Pennsylvania Clay Court Championships - 1919 US Open - 1918

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