Irish Championships 1921

General 1921-07-11 - 1921-07-16
Dublin, Fitzwilliam Lawn Tennis Club, Wilton Place

Source The Irish Times


Winner The Honourable Sir Cecil James Henry Mussen Campbell

Henry Vincent Lees (Vincent) Allman-Smith
The Honourable Sir Cecil James Henry Mussen Campbell
W. Cleary
Robert Manning Gilbert
J. Hannah
Edward Stuart Hornidge
William G. (Bunny) Ireland
C.A. Jackson
J. Johnson
Edward Darcy McCrea
Edward Augustine McGuire
Louis Albert Meldon
Valentine William O'Connell (Val) Miley
John Felix O'Connell (Jack) Miley
N. North
Herbert O'Reilly
C.J. O'Reilly
Algernon Ashley Odlum
William Claude (Claude) Odlum
John George Oulton
F.K. Patterson
Henry Broadhurst Pollock
Theodore Radloff
Maxwell Howard Toppin
E.A. Watson

Henry Marvelle (Harry) Read
Gervase William Scroope
Simon Frederick Scroope
John Frederick Stokes
E. Ward

Round 1
Cecil Campbell*
Edward McGuire
6-1 6-2 6-1
Henry Marvelle (Harry) Read*
John George Oulton
6-3 6-1 6-0
Robert Manning Gilbert*
J. Hannah
6-2 6-4 6-2
William G. (Bunny) Ireland*
C.A. Jackson
6-2 6-4 6-4
Gervase William Scroope*
F.K. Patterson
6-0 6-2 6-1
C.J. O'Reilly*
Algernon Ashley Odlum
6-1 6-2 6-4
Edward Darcy McCrea*
John Frederick Stokes
6-2 2-6 7-5 6-4
Louis Meldon*
Herbert O'Reilly
6-2 6-0 8-6
Vincent Allman-Smith*
E.A. Watson
6-1 6-1 6-2
Val Miley*
N. North
6-2 7-5 6-1
Edward Stuart Hornidge*
E. Ward
6-2 9-7 0-6 6-1
Henry Broadhurst Pollock*
J. Johnson
8-6 6-8 3-6 5-5 ret.
John Felix O'Connell (Jack) Miley*
William Claude (Claude) Odlum
6-1 6-1 6-2
Simon Frederick Scroope*
Maxwell Howard Toppin
6-1 6-1 6-2
Theodore Radloff*
W. Cleary*

Round 2
Cecil Campbell*
Henry Marvelle (Harry) Read
6-2 6-4 6-2
William G. (Bunny) Ireland*
Robert Manning Gilbert
8-6 6-1 6-3
Gervase William Scroope*
W. Cleary
6-0 6-2 6-3
Edward Darcy McCrea*
C.J. O'Reilly
6-4 8-6 6-4
Louis Meldon*
Theodore Radloff
6-0 6-3 8-6
Val Miley*
Vincent Allman-Smith
6-4 6-2 3-6 6-1
Edward Stuart Hornidge*
Henry Broadhurst Pollock
3-6 6-3 6-4 6-1
Simon Frederick Scroope*
John Felix O'Connell (Jack) Miley
6-2 6-0 6-0

Cecil Campbell*
William G. (Bunny) Ireland
8-6 9-7 6-0
Edward Darcy McCrea*
Gervase William Scroope
6-2 6-3 7-5
Louis Meldon*
Val Miley
6-1 6-3 1-6 1-6 9-7
Simon Frederick Scroope*
Edward Stuart Hornidge
6-3 6-0 6-4

Cecil Campbell*
Edward Darcy McCrea
6-3 6-2 6-3
Simon Frederick Scroope*
Louis Meldon
6-4 6-0 6-3

Cecil Campbell*
Simon Frederick Scroope
6-4 6-4 6-2

Round 1
Cecil Campbell*
Edward McGuire
Henry Marvelle (Harry) Read*
John George Oulton
William G. (Bunny) Ireland*
C.A. Jackson
Robert Manning Gilbert*
J. Hannah
Edward Darcy McCrea*
John Frederick Stokes
C.J. O'Reilly*
Algernon Ashley Odlum
Gervase William Scroope*
F.K. Patterson
W. Cleary*
Simon Frederick Scroope*
Maxwell Howard Toppin
John Felix O'Connell (Jack) Miley*
William Claude (Claude) Odlum
Edward Stuart Hornidge*
E. Ward
Henry Broadhurst Pollock*
J. Johnson
Louis Meldon*
Herbert O'Reilly
Theodore Radloff*
Val Miley*
N. North
Vincent Allman-Smith*
E.A. Watson
Round 2
Cecil Campbell*
Henry Marvelle (Harry) Read
William G. (Bunny) Ireland*
Robert Manning Gilbert
Edward Darcy McCrea*
C.J. O'Reilly
Gervase William Scroope*
W. Cleary
Simon Frederick Scroope*
John Felix O'Connell (Jack) Miley
Edward Stuart Hornidge*
Henry Broadhurst Pollock
Louis Meldon*
Theodore Radloff
Val Miley*
Vincent Allman-Smith
Cecil Campbell*
William G. (Bunny) Ireland
Edward Darcy McCrea*
Gervase William Scroope
Simon Frederick Scroope*
Edward Stuart Hornidge
Louis Meldon*
Val Miley
Cecil Campbell*
Edward Darcy McCrea
Simon Frederick Scroope*
Louis Meldon
Cecil Campbell*
Simon Frederick Scroope