US Open 1906

General 1906-08-21 - 1906-08-29
Grandslam / Challenge
Newport, RI The Casino
United States of America


Winner William Jackson Clothier

George Townsend Adee
Rodolphe Louis Agassiz
Frederick Beasley (Fred) Alexander
John Ormsbee Ames
Frederick George Anderson
D.F. Appleton 2nd
A.H. Barnard
Beals Coleman Wright
Samuel A. Beardsley
Karl Howell Behr jr
Walter V. Bennett
Craig Biddle
S.B. Bradley
Clarence Saunders Brigham
R.N. Buckley
F.R. Budlong
Charles Melville Bull Jr.
William P. Burden
Cyril Carmichael
Joseph Roberts Carpenter Jr.
Philip A. Carroll
W.P. Carter
Ephron W. Catlin Jr.
William Jackson Clothier
Frederick Campbell Colston
Charles O. Cooke
Alfred Stackpole Dabney jr
Russell Newton Dana
J.G. Darnagh
Dr George Franklin Eames
Nathaniel C. (Nat) Emerson
Edwin Philip Fischer
Paulding Fosdick
Clark Fosdick
H.E. Foster
J.R. Fowler
E.H. Frank Jr.
Leon S. Freeman
Goelet Gallatin
Richard Augustine van Nest Gambrill
Dr Francis Henry Glazebrook
Colonel John C. Goodfellow
Edward Tudor Gross
Harold Humphrey Hackett
Herbert Melville Harriman
Cyril Hatch
Dr Philip Bovier Hawk
Stanley P. Henshaw
Clarence Hobart
J.P. Hogres
Henry J. Holt jr
Albert Leonard Hoskins
F.H. Howland
H.G. Hubbard
William O'Donnell Iselin
Adrian Iselin
Wallace Ford Johnson jr
John Davis Edmands, Snr. Jones
William F. Keene
Charles Lanier Jr.
William Augustus (Bill) Larned
Edgar Welch Leonard
Robert Leroy jr
Raymond Demerest Little
R.F. Lovering
George A. Lyon Jr.
Harold A. (Harry) MacKinney
F.C. Mahoney
Ogden Mills jr
David H. Morris
Richard Nevins
Nathaniel William (Nat) Niles
D. Noblit Jr.
Dwight Orne
F.J. Otis
E.V. Page
S.M. Peacock
James Duane Pell
S.H. Prescott
W.E. Putnam Jr.
John Bertram Read
André Nicholas Joseph Reggio
Henry Bartol Register sr
J.Allen Ross
George Rubelee
Elmer Schlesinger
Philip L. Schuyler
Alfred Schwartz
George L. Scott
Joseph S. Seabury
G.B. Simmons
H.G. Simmons
Henry Warner Slocum Jr.
Sydney L. Smith
Willing Spencer
William Stackpole
Richard W. Stevens
Alfred Stillman 2nd
Francis Jones (Frank) Sulloway
Arthur S. Sweetser
John Frelinghuysen Talmage jr
A.G. Thatcher
Benjamin Thaw Jr.
R.W. Thomas
G.A. Thompson
Edward Fuller Torrey jr
H.C. Townsend Jr.
T.I. Townsend
R.Tailer Townsend
Thomas Cann Quincy Trask
Charles Edmund Van Vleck Jr.
Harold S. Vanderbilt
Louis Harold (Henry) Waidner
H.W. Warner
S. Frederick Watson jr
Archibald Chisholm Way
William Jackson Clothier
Irving Christian Wright
Marion Randolph Wright

Challenge round
William Jackson Clothier*
Beals Coleman Wright
6-3 6-0 6-4

Round 1
A.G. Thatcher*
Louis Harold (Henry) Waidner
Stanley P. Henshaw*
Sydney L. Smith
H.C. Townsend Jr.*
S.B. Bradley
6-0 6-0 6-2
H.G. Simmons*
Alfred Stackpole Dabney jr
6-1 5-7 4-6 6-3 6-1
John Davis Edmands, Snr. Jones*
Edward Fuller Torrey jr
6-2 6-1 6-3
D.F. Appleton 2nd*
William F. Keene
Joseph S. Seabury*
Thomas Cann Quincy Trask
7-9 6-1 6-3 6-2
Joseph Roberts Carpenter Jr.*
Cyril Carmichael
6-0 6-1 6-1
Richard Augustine van Nest Gambrill*
Dwight Orne
6-3 6-1 6-3
Edward Tudor Gross*
S.M. Peacock
6-2 6-1 6-1
F.C. Mahoney*
H.W. Warner
Arthur S. Sweetser*
Philip L. Schuyler
7-5 4-6 2-6 6-4 6-1
John Ormsbee Ames*
John Bertram Read
6-0 8-6 6-1
James Duane Pell*
G.B. Simmons
6-1 6-0 6-1
R.F. Lovering*
R.W. Thomas
6-1 6-0 6-1
Charles O. Cooke*
Walter V. Bennett
6-4 6-1 5-7 6-8 8-6
William P. Burden*
S.H. Prescott
6-2 6-0 6-0
Fred Alexander*
Elmer Schlesinger
T.I. Townsend*
E.H. Frank Jr.
6-3 6-1 6-3
J.Allen Ross*
William Stackpole
Adrian Iselin*
Ogden Mills jr
Clark Fosdick*
Philip A. Carroll
Dr Philip Bovier Hawk*
H.G. Hubbard
Rodolphe Louis Agassiz*
George Rubelee
William Jackson Clothier*
Harold A. (Harry) MacKinney
6-1 6-0 6-4
Frederick Campbell Colston*
Charles Edmund Van Vleck Jr.
6-0 6-2 6-4
Francis Jones (Frank) Sulloway*
George A. Lyon Jr.
Karl Howell Behr jr*
Cyril Hatch
Bill Larned*
R.N. Buckley
Henry J. Holt jr*
Harold S. Vanderbilt
D. Noblit Jr.*
Charles Lanier Jr.
6-2 6-2 6-0
E.V. Page*
F.R. Budlong
7-5 7-5 6-3
Ephron W. Catlin Jr.*
Benjamin Thaw Jr.
6-2 6-3 6-0
H.E. Foster*
Marion Randolph Wright
W.P. Carter*
David H. Morris
6-1 6-3 6-1
Wallace Johnson*
Clarence Hobart
Irving Christian Wright*
Nathaniel Niles
7-5 6-1 6-2
Albert Leonard Hoskins*
J.G. Darnagh
6-0 6-1 7-5
Goelet Gallatin*
F.J. Otis
6-0 6-2 6-2
Robert Leroy jr*
R.Tailer Townsend
6-4 6-4 8-6
Paulding Fosdick*
A.H. Barnard
6-0 6-0 6-1
Charles Melville Bull Jr.*
George Townsend Adee
6-4 6-4 6-2
Henry Bartol Register sr*
Edwin Philip Fischer
Colonel John C. Goodfellow*
Richard Nevins
6-3 6-1 6-1
William O'Donnell Iselin*
Henry Warner Slocum Jr.
Archibald Chisholm Way*
Leon S. Freeman
7-5 2-6 6-3 6-0
Nicholas Reggio*
Craig Biddle
Willing Spencer*
Alfred Schwartz
6-8 6-1 6-2 6-1
Russell Newton Dana*
Richard W. Stevens
Raymond Little*
Frederick George Anderson
6-3 6-4 8-6
Dr Francis Henry Glazebrook*
Samuel A. Beardsley
F.H. Howland*
S. Frederick Watson jr
Harold Hackett*
Dr George Franklin Eames
6-2 6-2 7-5

Round 2
W.E. Putnam Jr.*
George L. Scott
6-0 6-0 6-0
Clarence Saunders Brigham*
Nathaniel C. (Nat) Emerson
Edgar Welch Leonard*
A.G. Thatcher
6-0 6-0 6-1
H.C. Townsend Jr.*
Stanley P. Henshaw
7-5 6-4 6-2
John Davis Edmands, Snr. Jones*
H.G. Simmons
6-2 6-2 6-2
D.F. Appleton 2nd*
Joseph S. Seabury
6-4 6-0 6-2
Joseph Roberts Carpenter Jr.*
Richard Augustine van Nest Gambrill
Edward Tudor Gross*
F.C. Mahoney
John Ormsbee Ames*
Arthur S. Sweetser
6-1 6-4 6-4
James Duane Pell*
R.F. Lovering
6-2 2-6 6-3 4-6 6-2
Charles O. Cooke*
William P. Burden
6-2 2-6 3-6 7-5 6-2
Fred Alexander*
T.I. Townsend
6-1 6-0 6-1
J.Allen Ross*
Adrian Iselin
6-1 6-0 6-0
Dr Philip Bovier Hawk*
Clark Fosdick
6-0 6-3 6-2
William Jackson Clothier*
Rodolphe Louis Agassiz
Francis Jones (Frank) Sulloway*
Frederick Campbell Colston
7-5 6-3 3-6 6-0
Karl Howell Behr jr*
Bill Larned
6-4 6-4 7-5
Henry J. Holt jr*
D. Noblit Jr.
6-1 6-0 6-1
E.V. Page*
Ephron W. Catlin Jr.
6-2 6-1 6-3
W.P. Carter*
H.E. Foster
Irving Christian Wright*
Wallace Johnson
6-8 6-3 6-2 6-4
Albert Leonard Hoskins*
Goelet Gallatin
6-4 4-6 6-4 6-2
Robert Leroy jr*
Paulding Fosdick
6-2 4-5 ret.
Charles Melville Bull Jr.*
Henry Bartol Register sr
7-5 6-2 7-5
William O'Donnell Iselin*
Colonel John C. Goodfellow
Archibald Chisholm Way*
Nicholas Reggio
6-4 6-3 6-3
Russell Newton Dana*
Willing Spencer
Raymond Little*
Dr Francis Henry Glazebrook
6-1 6-2 6-3
Harold Hackett*
F.H. Howland
6-3 6-8 6-3 6-4
G.A. Thompson*
J.P. Hogres
Alfred Stillman 2nd*
J.R. Fowler
6-3 6-2 6-4
Herbert Melville Harriman*
John Frelinghuysen Talmage jr

Round 3
W.E. Putnam Jr.*
Clarence Saunders Brigham
6-8 6-8 6-3 6-3 6-3
Edgar Welch Leonard*
H.C. Townsend Jr.
6-3 8-6 6-0
John Davis Edmands, Snr. Jones*
D.F. Appleton 2nd
6-0 6-1 6-2
Edward Tudor Gross*
Joseph Roberts Carpenter Jr.
7-5 6-3 6-8 1-6 9-7
John Ormsbee Ames*
James Duane Pell
2-6 3-1 ret.
Fred Alexander*
Charles O. Cooke
6-1 6-3 6-0
Dr Philip Bovier Hawk*
J.Allen Ross
4-6 6-3 6-4 6-3
William Jackson Clothier*
Francis Jones (Frank) Sulloway
6-0 6-3 6-4
Karl Howell Behr jr*
Henry J. Holt jr
6-3 6-2 6-3
E.V. Page*
W.P. Carter
6-1 6-3 6-2
Irving Christian Wright*
Albert Leonard Hoskins
6-4 6-2 6-1
Robert Leroy jr*
Charles Melville Bull Jr.
5-7 6-2 6-3 6-1
Archibald Chisholm Way*
William O'Donnell Iselin
6-0 6-4 6-3
Raymond Little*
Russell Newton Dana
6-2 6-3 6-2
Harold Hackett*
G.A. Thompson
Alfred Stillman 2nd*
Herbert Melville Harriman

Round 4
Edgar Welch Leonard*
W.E. Putnam Jr.
6-4 8-6 6-2
John Davis Edmands, Snr. Jones*
Edward Tudor Gross
6-3 6-1 6-3
Fred Alexander*
John Ormsbee Ames
6-3 8-6 6-0
William Jackson Clothier*
Dr Philip Bovier Hawk
6-1 6-2 8-6
Karl Howell Behr jr*
E.V. Page
6-0 6-3 6-3
Robert Leroy jr*
Irving Christian Wright
4-6 4-6 6-3 6-3 6-3
Raymond Little*
Archibald Chisholm Way
6-4 6-1 6-0
Harold Hackett*
Alfred Stillman 2nd
6-3 6-3 3-6 6-2

John Davis Edmands, Snr. Jones*
Edgar Welch Leonard
6-2 6-3 6-1
William Jackson Clothier*
Fred Alexander
8-6 6-2 4-6 1-6 7-5
Karl Howell Behr jr*
Robert Leroy jr
1-6 6-4 6-3 6-3
Raymond Little*
Harold Hackett
6-2 2-1 ret.

William Jackson Clothier*
John Davis Edmands, Snr. Jones
6-3 6-3 6-3
Karl Howell Behr jr*
Raymond Little
2-6 6-2 6-8 11-9 6-4

William Jackson Clothier*
Karl Howell Behr jr
6-2 6-4 6-2

Round 1
William Jackson Clothier*
Harold A. (Harry) MacKinney
Rodolphe Louis Agassiz*
George Rubelee
Francis Jones (Frank) Sulloway*
George A. Lyon Jr.
Frederick Campbell Colston*
Charles Edmund Van Vleck Jr.
Dr Philip Bovier Hawk*
H.G. Hubbard
Clark Fosdick*
Philip A. Carroll
J.Allen Ross*
William Stackpole
Adrian Iselin*
Ogden Mills jr
Fred Alexander*
Elmer Schlesinger
T.I. Townsend*
E.H. Frank Jr.
Charles O. Cooke*
Walter V. Bennett
William P. Burden*
S.H. Prescott
John Ormsbee Ames*
John Bertram Read
Arthur S. Sweetser*
Philip L. Schuyler
James Duane Pell*
G.B. Simmons
R.F. Lovering*
R.W. Thomas
John Davis Edmands, Snr. Jones*
Edward Fuller Torrey jr
H.G. Simmons*
Alfred Stackpole Dabney jr
D.F. Appleton 2nd*
William F. Keene
Joseph S. Seabury*
Thomas Cann Quincy Trask
Edward Tudor Gross*
S.M. Peacock
F.C. Mahoney*
H.W. Warner
Joseph Roberts Carpenter Jr.*
Cyril Carmichael
Richard Augustine van Nest Gambrill*
Dwight Orne
A.G. Thatcher*
Louis Harold (Henry) Waidner
H.C. Townsend Jr.*
S.B. Bradley
Stanley P. Henshaw*
Sydney L. Smith
Karl Howell Behr jr*
Cyril Hatch
Bill Larned*
R.N. Buckley
Henry J. Holt jr*
Harold S. Vanderbilt
D. Noblit Jr.*
Charles Lanier Jr.
E.V. Page*
F.R. Budlong
Ephron W. Catlin Jr.*
Benjamin Thaw Jr.
W.P. Carter*
David H. Morris
H.E. Foster*
Marion Randolph Wright
Robert Leroy jr*
R.Tailer Townsend
Paulding Fosdick*
A.H. Barnard
Charles Melville Bull Jr.*
George Townsend Adee
Henry Bartol Register sr*
Edwin Philip Fischer
Irving Christian Wright*
Nathaniel Niles
Wallace Johnson*
Clarence Hobart
Albert Leonard Hoskins*
J.G. Darnagh
Goelet Gallatin*
F.J. Otis
Raymond Little*
Frederick George Anderson
Dr Francis Henry Glazebrook*
Samuel A. Beardsley
Russell Newton Dana*
Richard W. Stevens
Willing Spencer*
Alfred Schwartz
Archibald Chisholm Way*
Leon S. Freeman
Nicholas Reggio*
Craig Biddle
William O'Donnell Iselin*
Henry Warner Slocum Jr.
Colonel John C. Goodfellow*
Richard Nevins
Harold Hackett*
Dr George Franklin Eames
F.H. Howland*
S. Frederick Watson jr
Round 2
William Jackson Clothier*
Rodolphe Louis Agassiz
Francis Jones (Frank) Sulloway*
Frederick Campbell Colston
Dr Philip Bovier Hawk*
Clark Fosdick
J.Allen Ross*
Adrian Iselin
Fred Alexander*
T.I. Townsend
Charles O. Cooke*
William P. Burden
John Ormsbee Ames*
Arthur S. Sweetser
James Duane Pell*
R.F. Lovering
John Davis Edmands, Snr. Jones*
H.G. Simmons
D.F. Appleton 2nd*
Joseph S. Seabury
Edward Tudor Gross*
F.C. Mahoney
Joseph Roberts Carpenter Jr.*
Richard Augustine van Nest Gambrill
Edgar Welch Leonard*
A.G. Thatcher
H.C. Townsend Jr.*
Stanley P. Henshaw
W.E. Putnam Jr.*
George L. Scott
Clarence Saunders Brigham*
Nathaniel C. (Nat) Emerson
Karl Howell Behr jr*
Bill Larned
Henry J. Holt jr*
D. Noblit Jr.
E.V. Page*
Ephron W. Catlin Jr.
W.P. Carter*
H.E. Foster
Robert Leroy jr*
Paulding Fosdick
Charles Melville Bull Jr.*
Henry Bartol Register sr
Irving Christian Wright*
Wallace Johnson
Albert Leonard Hoskins*
Goelet Gallatin
Raymond Little*
Dr Francis Henry Glazebrook
Russell Newton Dana*
Willing Spencer
Archibald Chisholm Way*
Nicholas Reggio
William O'Donnell Iselin*
Colonel John C. Goodfellow
Harold Hackett*
F.H. Howland
G.A. Thompson*
J.P. Hogres
Alfred Stillman 2nd*
J.R. Fowler
Herbert Melville Harriman*
John Frelinghuysen Talmage jr
Round 3
William Jackson Clothier*
Francis Jones (Frank) Sulloway
Dr Philip Bovier Hawk*
J.Allen Ross
Fred Alexander*
Charles O. Cooke
John Ormsbee Ames*
James Duane Pell
John Davis Edmands, Snr. Jones*
D.F. Appleton 2nd
Edward Tudor Gross*
Joseph Roberts Carpenter Jr.
Edgar Welch Leonard*
H.C. Townsend Jr.
W.E. Putnam Jr.*
Clarence Saunders Brigham
Karl Howell Behr jr*
Henry J. Holt jr
E.V. Page*
W.P. Carter
Robert Leroy jr*
Charles Melville Bull Jr.
Irving Christian Wright*
Albert Leonard Hoskins
Raymond Little*
Russell Newton Dana
Archibald Chisholm Way*
William O'Donnell Iselin
Harold Hackett*
G.A. Thompson
Alfred Stillman 2nd*
Herbert Melville Harriman
Round 4
William Jackson Clothier*
Dr Philip Bovier Hawk
Fred Alexander*
John Ormsbee Ames
John Davis Edmands, Snr. Jones*
Edward Tudor Gross
Edgar Welch Leonard*
W.E. Putnam Jr.
Karl Howell Behr jr*
E.V. Page
Robert Leroy jr*
Irving Christian Wright
Raymond Little*
Archibald Chisholm Way
Harold Hackett*
Alfred Stillman 2nd
William Jackson Clothier*
Fred Alexander
John Davis Edmands, Snr. Jones*
Edgar Welch Leonard
Karl Howell Behr jr*
Robert Leroy jr
Raymond Little*
Harold Hackett
William Jackson Clothier*
John Davis Edmands, Snr. Jones
Karl Howell Behr jr*
Raymond Little
William Jackson Clothier*
Karl Howell Behr jr