Irish Championships 1913

General 1913-07-14 - 1913-07-19
Dublin, Wilton place

Source Lawn Tennis and Badminton


Winner James Cecil Parke

Henry Vincent Lees (Vincent) Allman-Smith
A. Barry
Alfred Leonard Bentley
J.B. Bernard
The Honourable Sir Cecil James Henry Mussen Campbell
A. Court
Hope M. Crisp
Dr Francis (Frank) Crosbie
Hugh Cyril Eltringham
Captain J. Foulkes
Robert Manning Gilbert
Thomas Douglas Good
John Frederick Graham
Robert Malcolm Graham
Ernest William Hicks
Edward Stuart Hornidge
Edward J. Hornidge
J. Johnston
Alfred Booth Jones
F. Lillis
Henry George Mayes
Louis Albert Meldon
Valentine William O'Connell (Val) Miley
John Felix O'Connell (Jack) Miley
James Cecil Parke
Harold Robert Price
Henry Marvelle (Harry) Read
R. Reid
Horace Michael Rice
L.C. Rorke
Gervase William Scroope
Charles Frederick Scroope
B. Squash
C.T. Stewart
John Frederick Stokes
J.S. Talbot
George Alan Thomas
E.A. Watson

Preliminary Round
Hugh Cyril Eltringham*
L.C. Rorke
6-4 6-0 6-1
Val Miley*
Edward J. Hornidge
6-3 6-3 6-1
Robert Manning Gilbert*
Vincent Allman-Smith
6-2 6-2 6-1
John Frederick Graham*
A. Court
6-3 6-0 6-0
Alfred Leonard Bentley*
E.A. Watson
6-1 6-1 6-0
Thomas Douglas Good*
J. Johnston
6-2 6-2 6-1

Round 1
James Cecil Parke*
Alfred Leonard Bentley
6-2 6-1 6-1
John Frederick Graham*
Hugh Cyril Eltringham
8-6 7-5 6-1
John Frederick Stokes*
J.B. Bernard
1-6 6-2 5-7 6-3 6-1
Robert Malcolm Graham*
R. Reid
6-0 6-1 6-2
Edward Stuart Hornidge*
A. Barry
1-6 6-3 5-7 3-0 ret.
Val Miley*
Thomas Douglas Good
Robert Manning Gilbert*
Cecil Campbell
6-3 6-1 6-4
Hope M. Crisp*
J.S. Talbot
6-0 6-2 6-8 6-3
Alfred Jones*
Charles Frederick Scroope
4-6 6-1 2-6 6-3 6-2
Harold Robert Price*
Captain J. Foulkes
B. Squash*
Henry Mayes
Ernest William Hicks*
Henry Marvelle (Harry) Read
7-5 4-6 9-7 ret.
C.T. Stewart*
Louis Meldon
6-1 6-0 5-7 6-3
Horace Rice*
Dr Francis (Frank) Crosbie
4-6 7-5 14-12 7-5
George Alan Thomas*
Gervase William Scroope
6-4 6-2 6-4
John Felix O'Connell (Jack) Miley*
F. Lillis

Round 2
James Cecil Parke*
John Frederick Graham
6-1 6-1 6-3
Robert Malcolm Graham*
John Frederick Stokes
6-4 9-7 4-6 6-4
Alfred Jones*
Hope M. Crisp
6-4 4-6 6-1 6-2
Val Miley*
Robert Manning Gilbert
6-4 2-6 6-2 6-4
C.T. Stewart*
Ernest William Hicks
6-1 6-0 6-3
George Alan Thomas*
Horace Rice
6-3 6-2 6-3
Edward Stuart Hornidge*
B. Squash
John Felix O'Connell (Jack) Miley*
Harold Robert Price
3-6 7-5 4-6 6-2 6-3

James Cecil Parke*
Robert Malcolm Graham
6-3 5-7 8-6 6-1
Alfred Jones*
Edward Stuart Hornidge
7-5 6-2 6-2
Val Miley*
C.T. Stewart
11-9 6-3 6-4 6-0
George Alan Thomas*
John Felix O'Connell (Jack) Miley
6-3 6-2 6-2

James Cecil Parke*
Alfred Jones
6-1 6-2 6-2
George Alan Thomas*
Val Miley
6-1 6-0 6-0

James Cecil Parke*
George Alan Thomas
6-2 6-4 6-3

Preliminary Round
Alfred Leonard Bentley*
E.A. Watson
John Frederick Graham*
A. Court
Hugh Cyril Eltringham*
L.C. Rorke
Val Miley*
Edward J. Hornidge
Thomas Douglas Good*
J. Johnston
Robert Manning Gilbert*
Vincent Allman-Smith
Round 1
James Cecil Parke*
Alfred Leonard Bentley
John Frederick Graham*
Hugh Cyril Eltringham
Robert Malcolm Graham*
R. Reid
John Frederick Stokes*
J.B. Bernard
Alfred Jones*
Charles Frederick Scroope
Hope M. Crisp*
J.S. Talbot
Edward Stuart Hornidge*
A. Barry
B. Squash*
Henry Mayes
George Alan Thomas*
Gervase William Scroope
Horace Rice*
Dr Francis (Frank) Crosbie
John Felix O'Connell (Jack) Miley*
F. Lillis
Harold Robert Price*
Captain J. Foulkes
Val Miley*
Thomas Douglas Good
Robert Manning Gilbert*
Cecil Campbell
C.T. Stewart*
Louis Meldon
Ernest William Hicks*
Henry Marvelle (Harry) Read
Round 2
James Cecil Parke*
John Frederick Graham
Robert Malcolm Graham*
John Frederick Stokes
Alfred Jones*
Hope M. Crisp
Edward Stuart Hornidge*
B. Squash
George Alan Thomas*
Horace Rice
John Felix O'Connell (Jack) Miley*
Harold Robert Price
Val Miley*
Robert Manning Gilbert
C.T. Stewart*
Ernest William Hicks
James Cecil Parke*
Robert Malcolm Graham
Alfred Jones*
Edward Stuart Hornidge
George Alan Thomas*
John Felix O'Connell (Jack) Miley
Val Miley*
C.T. Stewart
James Cecil Parke*
Alfred Jones
George Alan Thomas*
Val Miley
James Cecil Parke*
George Alan Thomas