General David Grainger
Killiney, County Dublin, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland


Grainger Chaytor, as he was known, was one of three three lawn tennis-playing Chaytor brothers from the suburb of Killiney in south County Dublin. His siblings were Charles and Thomas (known as Tom). They were the children of Henry George Chaytor and Mary Anne Chaytor, who was a Grainger by birth and from whom the lawn tennis player took his middle name.

Grainger Chaytor notably reached the semi-finals of the men’s singles event at Wimbledon in 1894, when he gave the Englishman Wilfred Baddeley a walkover. Chaytor was also men’s singles champion of Switzerland as late as 1904, when he had more or less stopped playing competitive lawn tennis, having won several dozen singles events amongst other titles.

Grainger Chaytor studied law and was later appointed King’s Counsel. Taken ill while working in the Four Courts building in central Dublin in the summer of 1913, he died soon thereafter.


Archive statistics 1885 - 1900

Tournament wins 1900 - Yorkshire Championships (Amateur)
1899 - Buxton (Amateur)
1898 - Yorkshire Championships (Amateur)
1898 - Chichester (Open)
1898 - Sussex Championships (Amateur)
1897 - Chichester (Open)
1897 - North of England Championships (Open)
1895 - Sussex Championships (Amateur)
1895 - North of England Championships (Open)
1894 - Buxton (Amateur)
1894 - Fitzwilliam Plate (Amateur)
1893 - Buxton (Amateur)
1892 - Fitzwilliam Plate (Amateur)
1892 - Buxton (Amateur)
1892 - Darlington (Amateur)
1891 - Buxton (Amateur)
1891 - Fitzwilliam Club Championships (Amateur)
1891 - East of Scotland Championships (Amateur)
1891 - Sussex Championships (Amateur)
1890 - Nottingham (Open)
1890 - Queens Challenge Cup (Amateur)
1890 - Staffordshire (Amateur)
1890 - Dublin University LT Championships (Amateur)
1887 - County Kilkenny (Amateur)
1887 - King's County and Ormonde Tournament (Amateur)
1886 - Fitzwilliam Plate (Amateur)

Tournaments Yorkshire Championships - 1900 Buxton - 1900 Sussex Championships - 1899 Welsh Covered Court Championships - 1899 Buxton - 1899 Sussex Championships - 1898 South of England Championships - 1898 Yorkshire Championships - 1898 Bournemouth - 1898 Welsh Covered Court Championships - 1898 Chichester - 1898 Buxton - 1898 Sussex Championships - 1897 North of England Championships - 1897 South of England Championships - 1897 Welsh Covered Court Championships - 1897 Chichester - 1897 Buxton - 1897 Sussex Championships - 1896 North of England Championships - 1896 Irish Championships - 1895 Sussex Championships - 1895 North of England Championships - 1895 South of England Championships - 1895 Chichester - 1895 Buxton - 1895 Irish Championships - 1894 Northumberland Championships - 1894 Buxton - 1894 Fitzwilliam Plate - 1894 Irish Championships - 1893 Buxton - 1893 Darlington - 1893 Fitzwilliam Club Championships - 1893 Irish Championships - 1892 Sussex Championships - 1892 North of England Championships - 1892 Buxton - 1892 Darlington - 1892 County Dublin Championships - 1892 Fitzwilliam Club Championships - 1892 Fitzwilliam Plate - 1892 Taylor Challenge Cup - 1892 Wimbledon - 1891 Irish Championships - 1891 Sussex Championships - 1891 Championships of Wales - 1891 Buxton - 1891 East of Scotland Championships - 1891 Fitzwilliam Club Championships - 1891 Wimbledon - 1890 Irish Championships - 1890 Nottingham - 1890 Queens Challenge Cup - 1890 Dublin University LT Championships - 1890 Staffordshire - 1890 County Dublin Championships - 1890 Fitzwilliam Club Championships - 1890 County Dublin Championships - 1889 Fitzwilliam Club Championships - 1889 North of Ireland Championships - 1889 Lansdowne LTC championships - 1889 Irish Championships - 1887 Northern Lawn Tennis Association Tournament - 1887 Waterford - 1887 Dublin University LT Championships - 1887 King's County and Ormonde Tournament - 1887 County Dublin Championships - 1887 Fitzwilliam Club Championships - 1887 East of Ireland Championships - 1887 County Kilkenny - 1887 Fitzwilliam Plate - 1887 Irish Championships - 1886 Dublin University LT Championships - 1886 Fitzwilliam Plate - 1886 Killiney and Ballybrack LT amateur Championships - 1886 East of Ireland Championships - 1885

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